Sibylle -
   Since you didn't give a reproducible example, I'll try
to make one that will illustrate what you need to know to
answer your question.
   Suppose we have a variable with levels "four","five",
and "six".

ff = factor(rep(c('four','five','six'),c(5,7,2)))

Since the table() function will report the levels in the same order as boxplot, I'll use that to illustrate my point:

five four  six
   7    5    2

Suppose we want the levels to appear in the order "four", "five","six":


four five  six
   5    7    2

Now suppose we want to list them in the order of their frequencies:


 six four five
   2    5    7

In other words, you can have a factor's levels appear in whatever
order you'd like by using the levels= argument to factor.

Hope this helps.
                                        - Phil Spector
                                         Statistical Computing Facility
                                         Department of Statistics
                                         UC Berkeley

On Mon, 18 Oct 2010, Sibylle Stöckli wrote:

Dear R users,

x-values (EI) = Adw, EG1, LA1, Ad1, LA2, LA3...(14 levels, insect
y-valus = antpop

within the boxplot function x-values are ordered alphabetically

Idea:  x-values ranked by list order (insect stage: Egg stage 1 is
followed by Larvae 1 and not by Egg stage 2 as it would be in an
alphabetically order)

Problems with the order(tapply()) function: variable lengths differ


R-code (as later insect stages have higher means, ordering was based
on mean or median...)
SOPRA<-read.table("SOPRA206_WG_WAE.txt", na.strings="0", header=TRUE)
ordered<-order(tapply(SOPRA$antpop, SOPRA$EI, mean))
boxplot(antpop~ordered, data=SOPRA, boxwex=0.20, at=1:14-0.2,
scales=list(x=list(rot=45)), notch=TRUE, xlab = "EVENT", ylab = "DOY",
ylim = c(100,350), yaxs ="i", col="red", subset=(wg == "ctrl"))
boxplot(antpop~ereignis, data=SOPRA, add=TRUE, boxwex=0.20,
at=1:14+0.2, xaxt="n", notch=TRUE, col="blue", subset=(wg == "scen"))
legend(1,330, c("SOPRA206 WGctrl", "SOPRA206 WGscen"), fill=c("red",
"blue"), bty="n")
text(1,340, "Waedenswil", font=2, pos=4)

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