Dear all,

I'm discovering the somehow confusing (for me) world of linear mixed models 
after having been advised it could be the best option to analyze my dataset. 
After several days of reading, I'm not sure that what I ended up with makes 
some sense and I'd greatly appreciate any help and explanations.

The dataset has been obtained as follows. In 15 different locations, I counted 
during 10 seconds the number of ants crossing a gap, before and after 
destroying a bridge that ants had previously built over the gap. I then waited 
for the ants to rebuild the bridge and repeated two more times the counting and 
destroying process. Therefore, for each gap observed, I have 3 replicates of 
the same experiment, each of them providing 1 count value for each treatment 
tested (before and after bridge destruction), i.e. 6 values in total per gap. I 
also measured for each gap its length. 

I now want to model the effect of the gap length (GapLength, continuous 
variable), the treatment (Treatment, categorical variable) and the replicate 
position (Replicate, categorical variable) on the number of ants crossing the 
gap (AntCount, count variable). As far as I understand, the gap (Gap) can be 
treated here as a random effect, the gap length, the treatment and the 
replicate position as fixed effects. Moreover, the treatment variable is nested 
in the replicate position variable that is also nested in the gap variable. 
Finally, since I have count data, a poisson distribution should be used for the 
model. With all this information in mind and some additional information from 
various sources, I ended up with the following R code:

lmer(AntCount ~ Treatment + GapLength + (Treatment | Gap / Replicate) + 
(GapLength | Gap), data=dat, family=poisson(link=log))

The code runs fine and does not return any error. But of course this does not 
mean the model was correctly designed. Am I right when I'm doing this or am I 
(most likely) completely wrong? 

Thanks in advance for your help.


Dr. Simon Garnier
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Princeton University
Guyot Hall

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