On Nov 19, 2010, at 11:45 AM, Jeff Newmiller wrote:

The glyphs displayed depend on the "terminal" you are using, which may be operating-system dependent. Beware of assuming that other people will see the same things you do in their consoles.

On a Mac this:

> cat("\u2591","\u2592","\u2593")
░ ▒ ▓

Prints three rectangles of varying size and "density". This appears somewhat similar to what I see im my browser except for the noticeable variation in size.


"Mark Heckmann" <mark.heckm...@gmx.de> wrote:

just found it out.
to get an overview:

for (i in 2590:3000)
        cat(eval(parse(text=paste("\"\\u", i, "\"", sep=""))))


Am 19.11.2010 um 17:24 schrieb Henrique Dallazuanna:

In the plot window:

plot(1, main = "\u2591\u2592\u2593")

On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 2:02 PM, Mark Heckmann
<mark.heckm...@gmx.de> wrote:

can the R console print all extended ASCII characters?
I am especially interested in characters 176-178 from
bottom table.
As far as I know the character mapping in R is somewhat different
So  as I am not familiar with these things I am not sure if it

Mark Heckmann
Dipl. Wirt.-Ing. cand. Psych.
Celler Stra�e 27
28205 Bremen
Blog: www.markheckmann.de
R-Blog: http://ryouready.wordpress.com

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Henrique Dallazuanna
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Mark Heckmann
Dipl. Wirt.-Ing. cand. Psych.
Celler Stra�e 27
28205 Bremen
Blog: www.markheckmann.de
R-Blog: http://ryouready.wordpress.com

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Jeff Newmiller The ..... ..... Go Live... DCN:<jdnew...@dcn.davis.ca.us> Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing
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