Hi Ivan,

Thanks for your advice.

I have problem running xlsReadWrite on 64 bit Win7.

> library(xlsReadWrite)
xlsReadWrite version (cran shlib)
Copyright (C) 2010 Hans-Peter Suter, Treetron, Switzerland.

!! Your installation contains the cran placeholder shlib (dll/so).
Please get the regular shlib (420 KB) by executing the following command:


Info, forum, issue tracker and manual download at http://www.swissr.org.

BACKGROUND: Our own xlsReadWrite code is free, but we also use proprietary code
(Flexcel, tmssoftware.com) which can only be distributed legally in precompiled,
i.e. binary form. As CRAN 'generally does not accept submissions of precompiled
binaries due to security reasons' we only provide a placeholder and you can
download the binary shlib separately. NO GUARANTEES: We have done thorough tests
initially and there are integrity checks, but we do _not_ give any guarantees.
You can check/clone the source code at http://github.com/swissr/xlsreadwrite,
in case of any issues we are happy to hear about them (bug tracker/forum/email).

> xls.getshlib()
Loading required package: tools
--- xls.getshlib running... --- 
Error in xls.getshlib() : currently only windows (32 bit) supported

xls.getshlib only runs on 32 bit Windows.  I must go back to 32 bit Win 7.

Stephen L

From: Ivan Calandra <ivan.calan...@uni-hamburg.de>
To: r-help@r-project.org
Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 5:05:40 PM
Subject: Re: [R] Problem in reading Excel spreadsheets


I don't know much about RODBC, but the package xlsReadWrite works pretty 
well for me for reading and writing xls files (and it doesn't need Perl 
or anything else to run).


Le 12/1/2010 08:56, Stephen Liu a écrit :
> Hi folks,
> Win 7 64bit
> R 2.12.0 32bit
> Problem in reading Excel spreadsheets
> (the text file, research_databaseI.xls, was download on Internet)
>> data=odbcConnectExcel(file.choose())
>> sqlTables(data)
>                                                   TABLE_CAT TABLE_SCHEM
> 1  C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI<NA>
> 2  C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI<NA>
> 3  C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI<NA>
> 4  C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI<NA>
> 5  C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI<NA>
> 6  C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI<NA>
> 7  C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI<NA>
> 8  C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI<NA>
> 9  C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI<NA>
> 10 C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI<NA>
> 11 C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI<NA>
> 12 C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI<NA>
> 13 C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI<NA>
> 14 C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI<NA>
> 15 C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI<NA>
> 16 C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI<NA>
> 17 C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI<NA>
> 18 C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI<NA>
> 19 C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI<NA>
> 20 C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI<NA>
> 21 C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI<NA>
> 22 C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI<NA>
> 23 C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI<NA>
>                        TABLE_NAME   TABLE_TYPE REMARKS
> 1                           AGR$ SYSTEM TABLE<NA>
> 2                           BMC$ SYSTEM TABLE<NA>
> 3                         Dairy$ SYSTEM TABLE<NA>
> 4                           GDP$ SYSTEM TABLE<NA>
> 5                          HIES$ SYSTEM TABLE<NA>
> 6                         Manuf$ SYSTEM TABLE<NA>
> 7                        Prices$ SYSTEM TABLE<NA>
> 8                        Sheet1$ SYSTEM TABLE<NA>
> 9                           WPI$ SYSTEM TABLE<NA>
> 10             'Approved plans$'        TABLE<NA>
> 11                  'Emp stats$'        TABLE<NA>
> 12                   'Ex rates$'        TABLE<NA>
> 13            'hotel occ rates$'        TABLE<NA>
> 14               'Insurance co$'        TABLE<NA>
> 15             'Interest rates$'        TABLE<NA>
> 16                    'Motor V$'        TABLE<NA>
> 17           'Ostrich Projects$'        TABLE<NA>
> 18                   'Prop dev$'        TABLE<NA>
> 19                'tourism est$'        TABLE<NA>
> 20 'tourism est'$_FilterDatabase        TABLE<NA>
> 21              'Travel agents$'        TABLE<NA>
> 22               'Umempl stats$'        TABLE<NA>
> 23                     'US CPI$'        TABLE<NA>
>> mydata=sqlFetch(data, "AGR")
>> odbcClose(data)
>> mydata
> The printout doesn't look like the content of Excel spreadsheet.  Many data
> disappear.
> I read ?RODBC and the pdf file started with "RShowDoc("RODBC",
> package="RODBC").  I couldn't figure out the cause of problem.
> Is "RODBC" not the way to read Excel spreadsheets on R?  TIA
> B.R.
> Stephen L
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University of Hamburg
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