Dear sir,

Thanks a lot for your great guidance. It worked fantastically.


Vincy Pyne

--- On Thu, 12/30/10, Henrique Dallazuanna <> wrote:

From: Henrique Dallazuanna <>
Subject: Re: [R] Sorting data.frame datewise in a descending order
To: "Vincy Pyne" <>
Received: Thursday, December 30, 2010, 11:31 AM

Try this:

mydat[order(as.Date(mydat$date, "%m/%d/%Y"), decreasing = TRUE),]

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 9:27 AM, Vincy Pyne <> wrote:

Dear 'HTH' R friends

I have a small dataframe as given below. I need to sort this database based on 
date in a decending order. I am not sure whether I have defined the date column 
in a proper format.

mydat<-data.frame(date = (c("1/31/2010", "2/28/2010", "3/31/2010", "4/30/2010", 
"5/31/2010", "6/30/2010", "7/31/2010", "8/31/2010", "9/30/2010", "10/31/2010", 
"11/30/2010", "12/28/2010")), total=c(429, 25, 239, 99, 100, 96, 18, 21, 10, 
76, 101, 81), newspapers=c(103, 4, 37, 109, 52, 87, 17, 13, 10, 56, 87, 14))


> mydat

         date total newspapers

1   1/31/2010   429        103

2   2/28/2010    25          4

3   3/31/2010   239         37

4   4/30/2010    99        109

5   5/31/2010   100         52

6   6/30/2010    96         87

7   7/31/2010    18         17

8   8/31/2010    21         13

9   9/30/2010    10         10

10 10/31/2010    76         56

11 11/30/2010   101         87

12 12/28/2010    81         14


I need to sort this data in a DESCENDING order based on a date. I.e. I need to 

        date              total     newspapers

       12/28/2010        81       14

       11/30/2010      101       87   

       10/31/2010        76       56  



        1/31/2010     429      103


When I tried        


mydat.sort <- mydat[order(mydat$date)]

> mydat.sort <- mydat[order(mydat$date)]

Error in `[.data.frame`(mydat, order(mydat$date)) :  undefined columns selected

Kindly guide

Vincy Pyne

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