On Jan 8, 2011, at 6:56 AM, Rainer Schuermann wrote:

This is probably embarrassingly basic, but I have spent quite a few hours in Google and RSeek without getting a clue - probably I'm asking the wrong questions...

There is this guy who has decided to walk through Australia, a total distance of 4000 km. His daily portion (mean) is 40km with an sd of 10 km. I want to calculate the number of days it takes to arrive with 80, 90, 95, 99% probability.
I know how to do this manually, eg. for 95%
$\Phi \left( \frac{4000-40n}{10 \sqrt{n}}  \right) \leq 0.05$
find the z score...

but how would I do this in R? Not qnorm(), but what is it?

Sounds like homework, which is not an encouraged use of the Rhelp list. You can either do it in theory or you can simulate it. Here's a small step toward a simulation approach.

> cumsum(rnorm(100, mean=40, sd=10))
[1] 41.90617 71.09148 120.55569 159.56063 229.73167 255.35290 300.74655
[92] 3627.25753 3683.24696 3714.11421 3729.41203 3764.54192 3809.15159 3881.71016
 [99] 3917.16512 3932.00861
> cumsum(rnorm(100, mean=40, sd=10))
[1] 38.59288 53.82815 111.30052 156.58190 188.15454 207.90584 240.64078
[92] 3776.25476 3821.90626 3876.64512 3921.16797 3958.83472 3992.33155 4045.96649
 [99] 4091.66277 4134.45867

The first realization did not make it in the expected 100 days so further efforts should extend the simulation runs to maybe 120 days. The second realization had him making it on the 98th day. There is an R replicate() function available once you get a function running that will return a specific value for an instance. This one might work:
> min(which(cumsum(rnorm(120, mean=40, sd=10)) >= 4000) )
[1] 97

If you wanted a forum that does not explicitly discourage homework and would be a better place to ask theory and probability questions, there is CrossValidated:


Thanks in advance,
and apologies for the level of question...

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