Hello I have the following data.frame and xyplot. I need this plot without
the borders. Does anybody know how to get this xyplot without borders o with
white borders?
Thank's in advance
Juan Hernández

 my.label <- data.frame(quantil=rep(20,8),

 graf.my.label <- xyplot(my.factor ~ quantil, data = my.label,
aspect = 'fill',xlab = "",ylab='',xlim=c(0,103),
  scales=list(x=list(alternating=0 ),tick.number = 2,tck=0),
panel = function(x, y) {
 panel.stripplot(x[1], y[1], pch=19, col='skyblue',cex=1.3,xaxt='n')
panel.stripplot(x[2], y[2], pch=19, col='red',cex=1.3,xaxt='n')
 panel.stripplot(x[3], y[3], pch=19, col='chocolate',cex=1.3,xaxt='n')
panel.stripplot(x[4], y[4], pch=19, col='blue',cex=1.3,xaxt='n')
 panel.stripplot(x[5], y[5], pch=19, col='violet',cex=1.3,xaxt='n')
panel.stripplot(x[6], y[6], pch=19, col='seagreen',cex=1.3,xaxt='n')
 panel.stripplot(x[7], y[7], pch=19, col='purple',cex=1.3,xaxt='n')
panel.stripplot(x[8], y[8], pch=19, col='yellow',cex=1.3,xaxt='n')})

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