Dear R community,

I am using the mlogit package to analyze discrete choice data. Apart from a main effects model, I want to estimate interactions between the attributes of the choice set (e.g. the existence of a certain attribute) and some subject-specific data (like gender or income). Studying the mlogit documentation, I found no hint on how to do it. In the literature there is only the case discussed how alternative-specific variables can be combined. In my case, the alternatives are of no interest, meaning I am using a purely generic model. So far, I tried to model these interactions by simple multiplying the variables.

mlogit.model <- mlogit(CHOICE ~ ATR1+ATR2+ATR3 + ATR1*GENDER + ATR1*GENDER + ATR1*GENDER| -1, data=data_ml)

Here, gender is subject-specific.

I get results like the following:

Coefficients :
ATR1_yes                          0.779116
ATR2_ yes                         2.257905
ATR3_ yes                        1.141625
GENDERfem                     -14.026649
ATR1_yes :GENDERfem     0.094709
ATR2_ yes:GENDERfem    -0.076223
ATR3_ yes:GENDERfem    0.117373

I present only the coefficients here. However, when I change the reference level to male, the coefficients of the interactions effects just change sign.

I have two questions in this regard:

1.) Is the modeling of such interactions effect feasible in the mlogit setting? 2.) I have some problem understanding the changing sign of the coefficients when I change the reference level. This would imply that females always prefer the opposite of males. Clearly, this cannot be. I imagine that I am misinterpreting this issue and I would be grateful for any help on this.

Best regards,

Marcel Gerds, M.Sc.
University of California
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
233 Giannini Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720

Tel.:  +1 510-643-2202
Mobil: +49 176 21302825


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