The issue here is that if only accepts a single True/False argument. Try 
these functions:
Jonathan P. Daily
Technician - USGS Leetown Science Center
11649 Leetown Road
Kearneysville WV, 25430
(304) 724-4480
"Is the room still a room when its empty? Does the room,
 the thing itself have purpose? Or do we, what's the word... imbue it."
     - Jubal Early, Firefly wrote on 02/10/2011 09:07:40 AM:

> [image removed] 
> [R] help - "the condition has length > 1 and only the first element 
> will be used"
> Bodnar Laszlo EB_HU 
> to:
> ''
> 02/10/2011 10:25 AM
> Sent by:
> Hello there,
> I don't know if I'm addressing my question to the right e-mail 
> address, I hope I do. Actually I have a little problem concerning 
> writing a code in R. I try to briefly sum up my problem.
> As you can see below, I created the functions "Equation1" and 
> "Equation2" with some conditions.
>       Equation1 <-function(x){
>                              if (x<=0.25) y <-1-4*x
>                              if (x>0.25)   y <-0
>                              y
>                              }
>       Equation2 <-function(x){
>                              if (x<=0.25)                y <-4*x
>                              if (x>0.25 & x<=0.5)   y <-2-4*x
>                              if (x>0.5)                   y <-0
>                              y
>                              }
>       And then I generated a sequence of numbers from 0 to 1 using 
> the following code:
>       x <-seq(0,1,0.05)
>       What I intended to do was to create 3 columns like below. In 
> the first column you can find all the x values I created just before
> using the seq procedure and in the next 2 columns you can see all 
> the calculated values of functions Equation1 and Equation2 respectively.
>       x      Egyenlet1  Egyenlet2
>       0.00      1.00    0.00
>       0.05      0.80    0.20
>       0.10      0.60    0.40
>       0.15      0.40    0.60
>       0.20      0.20    0.80
>       0.25      0.00    1.00
>       0.30      0.00    0.80
>       0.35      0.00    0.60
>       0.40      0.00    0.40
>       0.45      0.00    0.20
>       0.50      0.00    0.00
>       0.55      0.00    0.00
>       0.60      0.00    0.00
>       0.65      0.00    0.00
>       0.70      0.00    0.00
>       0.75      0.00    0.00
>       0.80      0.00    0.00
>       0.85      0.00    0.00
>       0.90      0.00    0.00
>       0.95      0.00    0.00
>       1.00      0.00    0.00
>       Unfortunately I didn't know how to create these columns. 
> Whenever I tried to send the following codes into R:
>       "Equation1(x)" or "Equation1(x)" (remember x representing the 
> values from 0 to 1)
>       ...I instantaneously got a warning message saying:
>        [1]  1.0  0.8  0.6  0.4  0.2  0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 
> -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8 -2.0 -2.2 -2.4 -2.6 -2.8 -3.0
>       Warning messages:
>       1: In if (x <= 0.25) y <- 1 - 4 * x :
>         the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be 
>       2: In if (x > 0.25) y <- 0 :
>         the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be 
>       Could somebody please help me with this? I would greatly 
> appreciate if somebody would reply.
>       Thank you very much and have a pleasant day!
>       Best regards,
>       Laszlo
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