Like earth can be trained simultaneously for degree and nprune, is there a way 
to train ctree simultaneously for mincriterion and maxdepth?  

Also, I notice there are separate methods ctree and ctree2, and if both options 
are attempted to tune with one method, the summary averages the option it 
doesn't support.  The full log is attached, and notice these lines below for 
method="ctree" where maxdepth=c(2,4) are averaged to maxdepth=3.

Fitting: maxdepth=2, mincriterion=0.95 
Fitting: maxdepth=4, mincriterion=0.95 
Fitting: maxdepth=2, mincriterion=0.99 
Fitting: maxdepth=4, mincriterion=0.99

  mincriterion  Accuracy  Kappa  maxdepth  Accuracy SD  Kappa SD  maxdepth SD
  0.95          0.939     0.867  3         0.0156       0.0337    1.01       
  0.99          0.94      0.868  3         0.0157       0.0337    1.01       

I use R 2.12.1 and caret 4.78.


> require(party)
> require(mlbench)
> data(BreastCancer)
> BreastCancer$Id <- NULL
> grid <- expand.grid(.maxdepth=c(2:6), .mincriterion=c(0.95, 0.97, 0.99))
> print(grid)
   .maxdepth .mincriterion
1          2          0.95
2          3          0.95
3          4          0.95
4          5          0.95
5          6          0.95
6          2          0.97
7          3          0.97
8          4          0.97
9          5          0.97
10         6          0.97
11         2          0.99
12         3          0.99
13         4          0.99
14         5          0.99
15         6          0.99
> <- train(Class ~ . , data=BreastCancer, method="ctree", tuneGrid=grid)
Loading required package: class

Attaching package: 'class'

The following object(s) are masked from 'package:reshape':


Attaching package: 'e1071'

The following object(s) are masked from 'package:gtools':


Fitting: maxdepth=2, mincriterion=0.95 
Fitting: maxdepth=3, mincriterion=0.95 
Fitting: maxdepth=4, mincriterion=0.95 
Fitting: maxdepth=5, mincriterion=0.95 
Fitting: maxdepth=6, mincriterion=0.95 

> grid <- expand.grid(.maxdepth=c(2, 4), .mincriterion=c(0.95, 0.99))
> print(grid)
  .maxdepth .mincriterion
1         2          0.95
2         4          0.95
3         2          0.99
4         4          0.99
> <- train(Class ~ . , data=BreastCancer, method="ctree", tuneGrid=grid)
Fitting: maxdepth=2, mincriterion=0.95 
Fitting: maxdepth=4, mincriterion=0.95 
Fitting: maxdepth=2, mincriterion=0.99 
Fitting: maxdepth=4, mincriterion=0.99 
Aggregating results
Selecting tuning parameters
Fitting model on full training set
> print(
683 samples
 80 predictors

Pre-processing: None 
Resampling: Bootstrap (25 reps) 

Summary of sample sizes: 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, ... 

Resampling results across tuning parameters:

  mincriterion  Accuracy  Kappa  maxdepth  Accuracy SD  Kappa SD  maxdepth SD
  0.95          0.939     0.867  3         0.0156       0.0337    1.01       
  0.99          0.94      0.868  3         0.0157       0.0337    1.01       

Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using  the largest value.
The final value used for the model was mincriterion = 0.99. 
> grid <- expand.grid(.maxdepth=c(2, 4), .mincriterion=c(0.95, 0.99))
> print(grid)
  .maxdepth .mincriterion
1         2          0.95
2         4          0.95
3         2          0.99
4         4          0.99
> <- train(Class ~ . , data=BreastCancer, method="ctree2", 
> tuneGrid=grid)
Fitting: maxdepth=2, mincriterion=0.95 
Fitting: maxdepth=4, mincriterion=0.95 
Fitting: maxdepth=2, mincriterion=0.99 
Fitting: maxdepth=4, mincriterion=0.99 
Aggregating results
Selecting tuning parameters
Fitting model on full training set
> print(
683 samples
 80 predictors

Pre-processing: None 
Resampling: Bootstrap (25 reps) 

Summary of sample sizes: 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, ... 

Resampling results across tuning parameters:

  maxdepth  Accuracy  Kappa  mincriterion  Accuracy SD  Kappa SD  mincriterion 
  2         0.935     0.858  0.97          0.0163       0.0343    0.0202        
  4         0.935     0.857  0.97          0.0142       0.0322    0.0202        

Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using  the largest value.
The final value used for the model was maxdepth = 4. 
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