Hello all


I am a very new R user


I am used to using STATA


My problem:


I want to build a Cox model and validate this.


I have a large number of clinical relevant factors and feel the need to
reduce these. Meanwhile I have some clinical variables I deem sufficiently
important to force into the model regardless of AIC or p value.


This is my present log over commands







data1 <- read.table("optimism.csv", header=T, sep=",")



coxmodel4 <- coxph(formula=Surv(OS,mors) ~
data=data1, x=TRUE, y=TRUE,method=c("efron"))



I would like to "lock" iAJCC2 iAJCC3 and iPS2 + iPS3 regardless, but I
cannot seem to get the step function to accept this.




Once I have the model I would like to validate it with the validate command


I am presently using this****************


fit <- cph(formula=Surv(OS,mors) ~
data=data1, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)


validate(fit, method="boot", B=40,bw=TRUE, rule="p", type="residual",
sls=0.15, aics=0, pr=TRUE)


Due to my small data set 153 patients with 130 events I have chosen to lift
the p limit from 5% to 15% as suggested by Steyerberg.



I would appreciate any help with the lock term (also if it cannot be done) 

As I mentioned I am a bit of a rookie, and not too experienced as a
programmer (I am a MD after all)

However I am quite impressed with R so far since I have been trying to get
this far in STATA for a few weeks.




Jon Kroll Bjerregaard, MD. Dep of Oncology Odense University Hospital


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