I have two questions:

1)      Since I switched to Windows 2007 and downloaded the current R version 
(2.12.1; 2010-12-16) for Windows 7 a month ago, I cannot down load packages 
through the GUI drop down menu. I get: Warning: unable to access index for 
repository http://cran.cnr.Berkeley.edu/bin/windows/contrib/2.12

Warning: unable to access index for repository 

Warning messages:

1: In open.connection(con, "r") :

  unable to connect to 'cran.r-project.org' on port 80.

In fact, just to assign the CRAN location in the drop down menu takes forever. 
From web searches, the first check is to see if you have internet access. I do 
and can download the packages directly to my hard drive and load them 
indirectly into R by using library(MASS, lib.loc="C:\\Users\\R\\R packages"). 
This is starting to become a pain. Any suggestions on looking at potential 
security settings that I might need to deactiviate or any other issues?

2)      Any suggestions how I can connect to a MySQL database through windows 
using R. I found this example on the web, but there is not a package for RMYSQL 
for windows. Bugger!!!


drv = dbDriver("MySQL")

con = dbConnect(drv,host="mars",dbname="sat133",user="sat133",pass="T0pSecr3t")

album = dbGetQuery(con,statement="select * from tasks")

Thanks for any input!!


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