Yes, I did send an attachment - but I forgot that attachments might be
removed, no?

Here it is:


On 16 March 2011 12:19, Mike Marchywka <> wrote:
> ----------------------------------------
>> Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 08:17:49 +0100
>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [R] model fine, predict gives an error
>> Anybody who can help me with this issue?
> did you post your data? I was curious so I thought I may look
> but you need to post data so people can determine if they
> can produce and fix your problem. Any complaints
> about bad/ singular matricies are likely to depend on data
> being bad in some way.
>> On 15 March 2011 14:15, Antje Niederlein  wrote:
>> > Hi there,
>> >
>> > I try to model some dose response curves (drc-package). In most cases
>> > it is fine but now I got some data which produces me the following
>> > error:
>> >
>> > load("drmData.RData")
>> > library(drc)
>> >
>> > drmObj <- drm(value ~ concentration, cmpd_respvar, data = drmData, fct = 
>> > LL.4())
>> > predict(drmObj)
>> >
>> >>> Error in chol.default(0.99 * object$fit$hessian + 0.01 * 
>> >>> diag(dim(object$fit$hessian)[1])) :
>> >  the leading minor of order 2 is not positive definite
>> > Error in resultMat[, 2] <- estSE : replacement has length zero
>> >
>> > Can anybody explain to me why the calculation of the dose response
>> > model works but the prediction fails? Anything I can do in this case?
>> >
>> > Antje
>> >
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