Use "/" instead of "\" in the path.
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Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

Jorge Nieves <> wrote:

Hi, I am running a test to call an R script with in excel using VBA. My VBA 
code is shown bellow. The middle section of this mail also includes the content 
of my Rscript. The bottom part shows the error message form the R console. It 
seems that Excel is opening the R console without any problems. The problem I 
am seeing is that Rinterface.RRun instruction is interpreting the "\T" part of 
the path as an R command. It does not recognize the 
"X:\Trading\Energy\JorgeSpace\TMPholder\cpixe\home models\" as a one single 
string, or path. Any ideas how can I fix the problem? Thanks ,' Jorge VB code 
Sub tester() Rinterface.StartRServer Rinterface.RRun 
("source('X:\Trading\Energy\JorgeSpace\TMPholder\cpixe\home models\toto.R')") 
Rinterface.StopRServer End Sub "R cript code toto.R" path = getwd() setwd(path) 
a = 5 b=5 x = matrix(rnorm(a*b),a,b) a = 5 b=5 y = matrix(rnorm(a*b),a,b) z = x 
%*% y savefile = paste(path,"/","testresults.csv",sep="") write.csv(z, file = 
savefile) Rconsole messa
 ge Type
'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an 
HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. Loading required package: 
rcom Loading required package: rscproxy Error: '\T' is an unrecognized escape 
in character string starting "source('X:\T" > > Jorge Nieves         
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