Ronaldo Reis Junior <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> I try this update:
> mmaa <- update(mma,biomass~qvartemp)

That does not look like it has proper arguments to update.formula. As 
the update() help page suggests: 


You should have included the call that created "mma". Assuming that 
"mma" is a model object, and the dependent variable in that model was 
"biomass", then perhaps:

 mmaa <- update(mma, ~ . + qvartemp) # ... is what you wanted? 

On the other hand, I do not see "biomass" in your list of objects below, 
so who knows? If these guesses are wrong, then re-read the posting guide 
and provide more detail.

> but I have this message:
> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object "qvartemp" not found
> but this object exist:
> [1] "cont"      "i"         "levelsord" "mma"       "qvar"     
> "qvarmma"  [7] "qvartemp"  "test"      "yvar"     
> but if I use the glm directly it work:
> mmaa <- glm(biomass~qvartemp)

I guess "biomass" must exist <somewhere>. More guessing: Is it in one of 
those other objects that you attach()ed before the call to glm()? 

<snipped  summary output>

> Anybody have any idea about this problem in update?

I doubt that it is a problem in update.

David Winsemius

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