Dear Listserv,

Here is my latest in a series of simple-seeming questions that dog me.

Consider the following data:

x <- read.table(textConnection("temperature probability
0.11 9.4
0 2.3
0.38 8.7
0.43 9.2
0.6 15.6
0.47 8.7
0.09 12.8
0.11 9.4
0.01 7.7
0.83 8
0.65 9.3
0.05 7.4
0.34 10.1
0.02 4.8
0.07 9.1
0.6 15.6
0.01 8.4
0.9 9.6
0.83 8
0.12 8.4
0.01 8
0 5
0.11 9.7
0.41 7.4
0.05 9.4
0.09 8.3
0 6.1
0.12 8.4
0.73 7.8
0 4.2"), header = TRUE, = TRUE)

I modeled the relationship: Probability = f(Temperature), i.e., probability as 
function of temperature.

I found that there is a significant quadratic term in the model:

summary(lm(x[,2] ~ x[,1] + I(x[,1]^2)))

Now the question is: how do I plot it?

I can do this:
plot(x[,2] ~ x[,1])

...but I would also like to add a line corresponding to the quadratic function. 
In other words, I want to visually show the relationship among the variables 
that is being modeled. How do I do it? I think the curve() command will be 
but I don't know how to employ it.

Thanks very much in advance.

Josh Banta, Ph.D
Center for Genomics and Systems Biology
New York University
100 Washington Square East
New York, NY 10003
Tel: (212) 998-8465
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