This should work also

rm(list=ls()[-5]) #for instance

On 13.04.2011 01:45, Rolf Turner wrote:
> On 13/04/11 09:49, Denis Kazakiewicz wrote:
>> On 13.04.2011 00:39, Jim Silverton wrote:
>>> How do I remove all objects except one in R?
>> rm(list=ls()) #will remove ALL objects
> But he wanted to remove all objects ***except one***!!!  So what's the
> point of this answer?
> I can't see any way except a rather round-about kludge to do what the
> OP wants.
> Create a function:
> rmabo <- function(x) {
> # Remove all but one.
>     fff <- tempfile()
>     save(list=deparse(substitute(x)),file=fff)
>     rm(list=ls(pos=1),pos=1)
>     load(fff,envir=.GlobalEnv)
>     unlink(fff)
> }
> Save this function (otherwise it will get removed when you remove
> all objects except one, and rmabo is not the one, and will be lost):
> save(rmabo,file=".rmabo.rda")
> Whenever you want to remove all objects except one, attach the
> data base in which you have saved "rmabo".  (You only need to do
> the attaching once per session; if you like you could put the attach
> command in your .Rprofile.)
> attach(".rmabo.rda")
> Then to remove all objects except "melvin" execute rmabo(melvin).
> E.g.:
> rm(list=ls)
> ls()
> character(0)
> melvin <- clyde <- irving <- fred <- 42
> ls()
> [1] "clyde"  "fred"   "irving" "melvin"
> rmabo(melvin)
> ls()
> [1] "melvin"
> This seems to work.  Anyone have any cleverer ideas to accomplish the
> stated objective?
>     cheers,
>         Rolf Turner

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