Dear guys,

I'm almost there... how can I fix the final problems?



PS: the "info" function is the one I will then try to call within splom... 


## trial 1
info <- function(a,b){ 
    grid.table(as.expression(substitute(expression(alpha==alph, beta==bet), 
        list(alph=a, bet=b))), 
               parse=TRUE, # parse labels as expressions
               gpar.corefill=gpar(fill=NA, col=NA), # make bg transparent
               core.just="left") # justification of labels
xyplot(1~1, panel=function(...) info(0.1, 0.5) )

## trial 2
info <- function(a,b){ 
    grid.table(substitute(expression(alpha==alph, beta==bet), 
        list(alph=a, bet=b)), 
               parse=TRUE, # parse labels as expressions
               gpar.corefill=gpar(fill=NA, col=NA), # make bg transparent
               core.just="left") # justification of labels
xyplot(1~1, panel=function(...) info(0.1, 0.5) )

On 2011-04-19, at 21:39 , David Winsemius wrote:

> On Apr 19, 2011, at 3:26 PM, baptiste auguie wrote:
>> I'm hoping to release a new version on CRAN soon; the broken state of
>> R-forge and my poor understanding of R CMD CHECK results have often
>> made me postpone action indefinitely.
> In this case the errors were all mine. I suppose an even earlier stage newbie 
> than I might have problems not knowing that binary packages were not 
> available on r-forge or in recognizing (eventually) that loaded old packages 
> might prevent new versions from loading. Figuring out how to clear one 
> package from all the various places they can reside is beyond my pay grade, 
> so I just restart. Someone should write a flush.package function :-)
> -- 
> david.
>> Best,
>> baptiste
>> On 19 April 2011 22:32, David Winsemius <> wrote:
>>> I attempted , mostly with success to install following the directions in
>>> r-forge webpage.
>>> I did add type="source", since generally r-forge does not have compiled
>>> binaries and I did need to do it twice since I did not have `brew` installed
>>> under 2.13.0(beta). The loading of help seemed to be a problem which I
>>> initially assumed to be due to my being on a Mac running R 2.13.0(beta).
>>> When issuing ?gridExtra I get a help page that says: Error in fetch(key) :
>>> internal error -3 in R_decompress1
>>> (I did not expect to ?gridExtra to work since I generally use
>>> help(package=gridExtra) for packages, but when i do that I get:
>>>> help(package=gridExtra)
>>> Error in formatDL(nm, txt, indent = max(nchar(nm, "w")) + 3) :
>>> incorrect values of 'indent' and 'width'
>>> Then I realized I was loading a new package on top of an old loaded package
>>> so I restarted R and none of the help errors returned.
>>> Nice text table. Should make this task a lot easier that the strategy I was
>>> about to suggest of doing some sort of superpose of multiple panel.text
>>> calls.
>>> --
>>> David
>>> On Apr 19, 2011, at 1:19 AM, baptiste auguie wrote:
>>>> On 19 April 2011 17:06, Marius Hofert <> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Baptiste,
>>>>> thanks for your answer.
>>>>> Unfortunately, I get the error "Error using packet 1 invalid 'times'
>>>>> argument" when executing your code. Hmm... not sure where the problem is.
>>>> Oops, – sorry, my mistake. For this code to work you'll need a more
>>>> recent version of gridExtra than the one on CRAN. You can get it here:
>>>> baptiste
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Marius
>>>>> On 2011-04-19, at 24:03 , baptiste auguie wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Does this help?
>>>>>> library(gridExtra)
>>>>>> my.title = function(expressions) {
>>>>>> grid.table(expressions, parse=TRUE,
>>>>>>           theme=theme.list(gpar.corefill = gpar(fill = NA, col = NA),
>>>>>>             core.just = "left"))
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> e = expression(alpha,"text", italic(italic),
>>>>>>  hat(beta), integral(f(x)*dx, a, b))
>>>>>> library(lattice)
>>>>>> xyplot(1~1, panel=function(...) my.title(e) )
>>>>>> HTH,
>>>>>> baptiste
>>>>>> On 19 April 2011 08:43, Marius Hofert <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear expeRts,
>>>>>>> I would like to create a scatter plot matrix with splom(). The lower
>>>>>>> panel should
>>>>>>> contain some additional information about the samples shown in the
>>>>>>> upper panel
>>>>>>> plot, see the splom() call below. Now two questions came up:
>>>>>>> (1) The lower panels show "tau" and "alpha" on top of each other. How
>>>>>>> can I plot
>>>>>>> *three* expressions on top of each other? I tried several approaches
>>>>>>> (see the trials below),
>>>>>>> but couldn't manage to get this to work properly.
>>>>>>> (2) Is there the possibility to plot the two/three lines (containing
>>>>>>> "tau = ..", "alpha = ..")
>>>>>>> aligend according to the equality sign?
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Marius
>>>>>>> library(lattice)
>>>>>>> f <- function(i,j) i+j
>>>>>>> U <- matrix(runif(3000), ncol=3)
>>>>>>> splom(U,
>>>>>>>    superpanel=function(z, ...){
>>>>>>>        tau <- cor(U, method="kendall")
>>>>>>>        df=data.frame(rows=as.vector(row(tau)),
>>>>>>> columns=as.vector(col(tau)),
>>>>>>>        vals=as.vector(tau)) # data frame of row indices, column
>>>>>>> indices, and tau values
>>>>>>>        df=subset(df,columns<rows) # subset for lower left triangle
>>>>>>>        with(df,{
>>>>>>>            panel.text(x=rows, y=columns,
>>>>>>> labels=as.expression(unlist(lapply(1:length(vals),
>>>>>>>                           function(i)
>>>>>>> substitute(atop(tau==tau.,alpha==alpha.),
>>>>>>>                                                  list(tau.=vals[i],
>>>>>>> alpha.=round(vals[i],3)) ) ))) )
>>>>>>>        })
>>>>>>>        panel.pairs(z, upper.panel=panel.splom,
>>>>>>> lower.panel=function(...){}, ...)
>>>>>>>    })
>>>>>>> ## some minimal "trial" examples:
>>>>>>> plot(0,0,main=paste("alpha=1","\n","beta=2","\n","gamma=3",sep=""))
>>>>>>> plot(0,0,main=expression(atop(atop(alpha==1, beta==2), gamma==3)))
>>>>>>> plot(0,0,main=paste(expression(alpha==1),"\n",expression(beta==2),"\n",
>>>>>>>       expression(gamma==3), sep=""))
>>>>>>> plot(0,0,main=substitute(paste(alpha==1,x,beta==2,x,
>>>>>>>       gamma==3, sep=""), list(x="\n")))
>>>>>>> plot(0,0,main=expression(cat(alpha==1, "\n", beta==2, "\n", gamma==3,
>>>>>>> sep="")))
>>>>>>> plot(0,0,main=cat(expression(alpha==1), "\n", expression(beta==2),
>>>>>>> "\n",
>>>>>>>       expression(gamma==3), sep=""))
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>>> David Winsemius, MD
>>> West Hartford, CT
> David Winsemius, MD
> West Hartford, CT

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