You could always put the commands into a script or function, then instead of 
retyping everything just run the script or function.

There is the zoomplot function in the TeachingDemos package which does what you 
are suggesting (but my quick test did not work with your map).  You could use 
that as a starting point to write your own function (or find why it is not 
working for the map).  It might work better on a smaller resolution.

There is also the history function (and friends) that will show recent 
commands, but figuring out which functions contributed to the plot and how to 
modify and rerun them could be tricky.

You might try writing a single function that takes the limits of the plot then 
runs the plot commands and creates your plot, then either run this function 
with different limits, or run it inside of tkexamp (also in the TeachingDemos 
package) so that you can modify the limits using controls and see the zoomed 
plot that way.  The fgui, playwith, and rpanel packages may also give some 
other options for interactively zooming the plot.

You could also send your plot to a file, then do you zooming in an outside 
program (inkskape will edit svg files).

Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
Statistical Data Center
Intermountain Healthcare

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:r-help-bounces@r-
>] On Behalf Of Francois Rousseu
> Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 12:23 PM
> To:
> Subject: [R] Retrieving call sequence leading to a plot / Zooming in
> maps
> Hello R users
> When I want to zoom in on a map or any plot in R, I usually use the
> locator function to reset the
> limit of the plot and do something like:
> library(maptools)
> library(mapdata)
> map('worldHires',ylim=c(40,55),xlim=c(-90,-60))
> points(-71,47,col="red",pch=16)
> text(-73,49,"Hello")
> l<-locator(2)
> map('worldHires',ylim=range(l$y),xlim=range(l$x))
> points(-71,47,col="red",pch=16)
> text(-73,49,"Hello")
> I find this a bit annoying to type when there are a lot of things in a
> complex map. Now, what
> I would like to do is create a function that would zoom in on any type
> of plot or map without having
> to retype the steps that lead to the new rescaled plot. For this, I
> guess the function would have to
> find which calls/expressions led to the actual plot. Then, the function
> would only need to change
> the ylim and xlim in the expression leading to the plot creation and
> reevaluate all expressions.
> So my question is this: is there a function that can retrieve the call
> sequence that led to the actual plot?
> Perhaps a function similar to this already exists? I've looked into the
> zoom and zoomInPlot functions,
> but none of them do exactly what I want. The zoomInPlot function comes
> close, but it seems to be
> limited to simple plots.
> Thanks
> Francois Rousseu
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