Try multiplying var(e) by n-1 and dividing by n-3 (97 are the degrees of 
freedom for the sum of squares error in your example). Then it all matches up 


Wolfgang Viechtbauer
 Department of Methodology and Statistics
 University of Maastricht, The Netherlands

----Original Message----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Daniel Malter Sent:
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 08:25 To: 'r-help'
Subject: [R] OLS standard errors

> Hi,
> the standard errors of the coefficients in two regressions that I
> computed by hand and using lm() differ by about 1%. Can somebody help
> me to identify the source of this difference? The coefficient
> estimates are the same, but the standard errors differ.   
> ####Simulate data
>       happiness=0
>       income=0
>       gender=(rep(c(0,1,1,0),25))
>               for(i in 1:100){
>                       happiness[i]=1000+i+rnorm(1,0,40)
>                       income[i]=2*i+rnorm(1,0,40)
>                       }
> ####Run lm()
>       reg=lm(happiness~income+factor(gender))
>       summary(reg)
> ####Compute coefficient estimates "by hand"
>       x=cbind(income,gender)
>       y=happiness
>       z=as.matrix(cbind(rep(1,100),x))
>       beta=solve(t(z)%*%z)%*%t(z)%*%y
> ####Compare estimates
>       cbind(reg$coef,beta)  ##fine so far, they both look the same
>       reg$coef[1]-beta[1]
>       reg$coef[2]-beta[2]
>       reg$coef[3]-beta[3]     ##differences are too small to cause a 1%
> difference
> ####Check predicted values
>       estimates=c(beta[2],beta[3])
>       predicted=estimates%*%t(x)
>       predicted=as.vector(t(as.double(predicted+beta[1])))
>       cbind(reg$fitted,predicted)             ##inspect fitted values
>       as.vector(reg$fitted-predicted) ##differences are marginal
> #### Compute errors
>       e=NA
>       e2=NA
>       for(i in 1:length(happiness)){
>               e[i]=y[i]-predicted[i]   ##for "hand-computed" regression
>               e2[i]=y[i]-reg$fitted[i] ##for lm() regression
>       }
> #### Compute standard error of the coefficients
>   sqrt(abs(var(e)*solve(t(z)%*%z)))   ##for "hand-computed" regression
>   sqrt(abs(var(e2)*solve(t(z)%*%z)))  ##for lm() regression using e2
> from 
> above
>       ##Both are the same
> ####Compare to lm() standard errors of the coefficients again
>       summary(reg)
> The diagonal elements of the variance/covariance matrices should be
> the standard errors of the coefficients. Both are identical when
> computed by hand. However, they differ from the standard errors
> reported in summary(reg). The difference of 1% seems nonmarginal.
> Should I have multiplied var(e)*solve(t(z)%*%z) by n and divided by
> n-1? But even if I do this, I still observe a difference. Can anybody
> help me out what the source of this difference is?      
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> -------------------------
> cuncta stricte discussurus
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