
I need to plot a histogram, but insted of using bars, I'd like to plot
the data points. I've been doing it like this so far:

  h <- hist(x, plot = F)
  plot(y = x$counts / sum(x$counts),
       x = x$breaks[2:length(x$breaks)],
       type = "p", log = "xy")

Sometimes I want to have a look at the "raw" data (avoiding any kind of
binning). When x only contains integers, it's easy to just use bins of
size 1 when generating h with "breaks = seq(0, max(x))".

Is there any way to do something similar when x consists of fractional
data? What I'm doing is setting a small bin length (for example, "breaks
= seq(0, 1, by = 1e-6)", but there's still a chance that points will be
grouped in a single bin.

Is there a better way to do this kind of "raw histogram" plotting?


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