On 27/02/2008, at 11:01 AM, John Kane wrote:

> Can you give a working example of what is happening
> and explain what is x?
> With a simple x vector of x <- rnorm(20, 5, 2)
> I don't get anything like what you seem to be getting.
> My code
> ===================================================
> x <- rnorm(20, 5, 2)
> table<-data.frame(x, scientific=F, digits=4)
> table
> ===================================================
> The numbers on the left are simply line numbers that
> are automatically printed when you are printing a
> dataframe to the screen.  I don't see any way to
> supress them for a simple command such as your
> table
> You might want to have a look at print and
> print.default to address the digits problem


I have often wanted to suppress these row numbers and for that purpose
wrote the following version of print.data.frame() which I keep in a
local package (that I have set up to be loaded automatically on startup)
which masks the system version of print.data.frame():

print.data.frame <- function (x, ..., digits = NULL, quote = FALSE,
     right = TRUE, srn = FALSE)
     if (length(x) == 0) {
         cat("NULL data frame with", length(row.names(x)), "rows\n")
     else if (length(row.names(x)) == 0) {
         print.default(names(x), quote = FALSE)
         cat("<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)\n")
     else {
         if (!is.null(digits)) {
             op <- options(digits = digits)
         rowlab <- if (srn)
             rep("", nrow(x))
         else row.names(x)
         prmatrix(format(x), rowlab = rowlab, ..., quote = quote,
             right = right)

The ``srn'' argument means ``suppress row numbers''; it defaults to  
FALSE so by default
the behaviour of my print.data.frame() is the same as that of the  
system print.data.frame().
To suppress the row numbers you can say, e.g.


Note to Young Players --- you need only type ``print'' in the above,  
r.t. ``print.data.frame'',
since print.data.frame() is a ``method'' for print().

I once suggested to an R Core person that my version of  
print.data.frame() be adopted as the
system version, but was politely declined.


                                Rolf Turner

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