I tried the R-Sig-Mac list with this query, but had no takers. I hope
that the following isn't too far off the mark for this list. Many
thanks in advance if someone can help me out!
Quick summary: I can't get RSPerl working on a PPC G5 with the
pre-compiled binary for Mac OS X, but it does work if I compile R from
source with the "--enable-R-shlib" flag. If I need to compile from
source...what other options are recommended?
More details...
I'm having some trouble getting RSPerl working on an XServe cluster. Using:
perl v5.8.6
R v2.6.2 (installed from binaries from CRAN)
RSPerl v0.92-1
OS X Server 10.4.11, PowerPC G5
I'm installing RSPerl with:
R CMD INSTALL -c -l '/home/gdowns/R' --configure-args='--with-in-perl'
but when I try to load the library I get:
> library("RSPerl")
Error in dyn.load(file, ...) :
unable to load shared library '/home/gdowns/R/RSPerl/libs/ppc/RSPerl.so':
dlopen(/home/gdowns/R/RSPerl/libs/ppc/RSPerl.so, 6): Symbol not
found: _boot_R
Referenced from: /home/gdowns/R/RSPerl/libs/ppc/RSPerl.so
Expected in: dynamic lookup
Error: package/namespace load failed for 'RSPerl'
So, I tried building R from scratch, using:
./configure --prefix=/tmp/R/ --enable-R-shlib
I then repeated the install of RSPerl with this special version of R:
/tmp/R/R.framework/Resources/bin/R CMD INSTALL -c -l '/home/gdowns/R'
--configure-args='--with-in-perl' RSPerl_0.92-1.tar.gz
RSPerl *does* work with this version of R. I'm confused because
question 1.3 of the RMacOSX-FAQ says:
"Note that the CRAN binary includes R shared library, so there is no
need to re-compile R with --enable-R-shlib. "
I also note that when installing RSPerl with the binary distribution of
R, the R CMD INSTALL process does not generate the perl modules (in the
RSPerl/perl directory). They do get created with the
compiled-from-source version of R (which is, I suspect, why it works!).
I'm not sure where I'm going wrong with this. I'd highly prefer to
stick with the pre-compiled binary to make upgrading easier. Plus I'm
sure that the version I built today is not as well optimized as the
binary distribution!
If I really do need to compile R from scratch, can anyone recommend the
appropriate configure flags?
many thanks and best regards,
Gregory Downs
CRSC Room 219/414
Department of Plant Agriculture
University of Guelph
Guelph, Ontario, Canada, N1G 2W1
519-824-4120 x58164
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
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