Dear Sir/Madam: I am newbie of R. I a currently using multdrc object to generate fitting curve and IC50. My 384 well format raw data contains multi dose response curves. My script goes through sets of data then produce curve and ic50.
Here is my sudo code: For (plateid in platelist) { Input data (plateid) as matrix Curve fitting model4logistic <- multdrc(rdata ~ ld, logDose=10) } The first 3 plates are ok, 4th plate has following error Error in mdrcOpt(opfct, startVec, optMethod, derFlag, constrained, warnVal, : Convergence failed I know the expected fitting is ugly, is it the reason to produce the error? Any clue about this error message? Thanks you in advance for your help, Xin Gong [[alternative HTML version deleted]] ______________________________________________ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.