
Make the timezone you prefer the default for that R session.

FWIW: EST may or may not exist as a valid timezone on your system, but it is an 
ambiguous notation anyway.
Jeff Newmiller The ..... ..... Go Live...
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Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries O.O#. #.O#. with
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Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

Denis Chabot <> wrote:


For a project I try to keep everything in normal time, not daylight saving 
time, to prevent problem when instruments collected data during the nights when 
we go from DST to normal time.

But sometimes R tricks me and I do not know how to prevent it.

This is one example:

lights_on = as.POSIXct(c("2011-05-06 04:09:26", "2011-05-07 04:07:53", 
"2011-05-08 04:06:21",
"2011-05-09 04:04:51", "2011-05-10 04:03:22", "2011-05-11 04:01:55",
"2011-05-12 04:00:30", "2011-05-13 03:59:06", "2011-05-14 03:57:45",
"2011-05-15 03:56:25", "2011-05-16 03:55:07"), tz="EST") # not DST

lights_off = as.POSIXct(c("2011-05-05 18:56:54", "2011-05-06 18:58:19", 
"2011-05-07 18:59:44",
"2011-05-08 19:01:08", "2011-05-09 19:02:32", "2011-05-10 19:03:55",
"2011-05-11 19:05:18", "2011-05-12 19:06:40", "2011-05-13 19:08:01",
"2011-05-14 19:09:22", "2011-05-15 19:10:42" ), tz="EST")       # not DST

(a = lights_on[c(1,5)]) # not DST
[1] "2011-05-06 04:09:26 EST" "2011-05-10 04:03:22 EST"

(b = lights_off[c(2,6)])        # not DST
[1] "2011-05-06 18:58:19 EST" "2011-05-10 19:03:55 EST"

(x = c(lights_off[2], lights_on[2])) # suddenly DST
[1] "2011-05-06 19:58:19 EDT" "2011-05-07 05:07:53 EDT"

Why did x end up in DST? How could I prevent it?

Thanks in advance,

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