
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 10:01 AM, William Armstrong
<william.armstr...@noaa.gov> wrote:
> Hi Sarah,
> str(W_table) gives me:
>> str(W_table)
> 'data.frame':   11 obs. of  3 variables:
>  $ pds_gagehandles.i.: Factor w/ 1 level "mibe": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
>  $ p                 : chr  "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
>  $ W                 : chr  "746" "870.5" "767" "1066" ...

See? W is character, so that's how it's being used to sort.

Somewhere in your code it's being converted to character. Since I
can't run your code myself, I can't easily see where that's happening.
Nothing jumps out as an obvious error.


> here is the script I am using, with the lines that create W and the W_table
> bolded:
> for(i in 1:length(pds_gagehandles)){
>        POTWY<-get(paste(pds_gagehandles[i],"_POTWY",sep=""))
>        num_wyrs<-length(POTWY)
>        pre70wyrs_ind<-1:(length(POTWY)-39)
>        post70wyrs_ind<-(length(POTWY)-38):length(POTWY)
>        for(p in 1:11){
>                if(p==1){
>                        pre70_POTWY<-POTWY[pre70wyrs_ind]
>                        post70_POTWY<-POTWY[post70wyrs_ind]
>                        original_stats<-wilcox.test(pre70_POTWY,post70_POTWY)
>                        W<-original_stats$statistic
>                        W_table<-data.frame(pds_gagehandles[i],p,W)
> W_table_name<-paste(pds_gagehandles[i],"_W_table",sep="")
>                }else{
>                        sample_POTWY<-sample(POTWY)
>                        sample_pre70_POTWY<-sample_POTWY[pre70wyrs_ind]
>                        sample_post70_POTWY<-sample_POTWY[post70wyrs_ind]
> sample_stats<-wilcox.test(sample_pre70_POTWY,sample_post70_POTWY)
>                        sample_W<-sample_stats$statistic
>                        sample_info<-c(pds_gagehandles[i],p,sample_W)
>                        W_table<-rbind(W_table,sample_info)
> if(p==1001){
>                                assign(W_table_name,W_table)
> write.table(W_table,col.names=c('gage_handle','iteration','W'),file=paste(W_table_name,".txt",sep=""),sep="\t",row.names=FALSE)
>                        }
>                }
>        }
> }
> Thank you very much for your help.
> Billy
> --

Sarah Goslee

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