i already include the error in blue color word.
i hope it can help you to understand my question.
if not burden you, please give me a guide how to correct the error or maybe you 
can correct the coding cause error.
thank you.

> #    lda.r
> #
> #    Author:    Amsha Nahid, Jairus Bowne, Gerard Murray
> #    Purpose:    Perform Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
> #
> #    Input:    Data matrix as specified in Data-matrix-format.pdf
> #    Output:    LDA plot
> #
> #    Notes:    Missing values (if any) are replaced by the half of the lowest
> #              value in the entire data matrix.
> #
> #    Load necessary libraries, and install them if they are missing
> #
> tryCatch(library(MASS), error=function(err)
+     # if this produces an error:
+     install.packages("MASS",repos="http://cran.ms.unimelb.edu.au/";))
> #
> #    Prepare the data matrix
> #
> # Read in the .csv file
> data<-read.csv("C:/Users/nadya/Desktop/praktikal UTM/TASK2/new(40data)S2 100 
>EMS EPI 300-399.csv", sep=",", row.names=1, header=TRUE)
> # Get groups information
> groups<-data[,1]
> # Remove groups for data processing
> lda_data<-data[,-1]
> # Replace any missing values (see Notes)
> lda_data[is.na(lda_data)]<-0.5*(min(lda_data,na.rm=TRUE))
> #
> #    Perform the LDA
> #
> lda_result<-lda(lda_data,groups)
Error in lda.default(x, grouping, ...) : 
  variables  1  3  5  8 10 15 17 20 27 29 34 appear to be constant within groups
> #
> #    Generate the figures (on screen)
> #
> #    Image generation - function definition
> pic_onscr<-function(matrix, title, cex_val=1)
+     {x11()
+     par(mgp=c(5,2,0),                           # axis margins
+                                                 # (title, labels, line)
+         mar=c(7,4,4,2),                         # plot margins (b,l,t,r)
+         las=1)                                  # horizontal labels
+     plot(matrix,                                # data to plot
+         cex=cex_val,                            # font size
+         dimen=2                                 # dimensions to plot
+         )
+     title(main=title)                           # title of plot
+     }
> # Plot LDA scores with sample names
> pic_onscr(lda_result,"Linear Discriminant Analysis")
Error in plot(matrix, cex = cex_val, dimen = 2) : 
  error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 
'plot': Error: object 'lda_result' not found
> # For plotting with larger font size, use a different value of cex:
> # pic_onscr(lda_result, "LDA Plot", dimen=2, cex=3)
> #
> #    Generate figures as image files
> #
> #    (Uncomment blocks as necessary)
> ##### jpeg #####
> # pic_jpg<-function(filename, matrix, title, cex_val=1)
> #     {# Start jpeg device with basic settings
> #     jpeg(filename,
> #         quality=100,                            # image quality (percent)
> #         bg="white",                             # background colour
> #         res=300,                                # image resolution (dpi)
> #         units="in", width=8.3, height=5.8       # image dimensions (inches)
> #         )
> #     par(mgp=c(5,2,0),                           # axis margins 
> #                                                 #  (title, labels, line)
> #         mar=c(7,4,4,2),                         # plot margins (b,l,t,r)
> #         las=1                                   # horizontal labels
> #         )
> #     # Draw the plot
> #     plot(matrix,                                # data to plot
> #         cex=cex_val,                            # font size
> #         dimen=2                                 # dimensions to plot
> #         )
> #     title(main=title)                           # title of plot
> # 
> #     dev.off()
> #     }
> # pic_jpg("LDA.jpg", lda_result, "Linear Discriminant Analysis")
> ##### end jpeg #####
> ##### png #####
> # pic_png<-function(filename, matrix, title, cex_val=1)
> #     {# Start png device with basic settings
> #     png(filename,
> #         bg="white",                             # background colour
> #         res=300,                                # image resolution (dpi)
> #         units="in", width=8.3, height=5.8       # image dimensions (inches)
> #         )
> #     par(mgp=c(5,2,0),                           # axis margins 
> #                                                 #  (title, labels, line)
> #         mar=c(7,4,4,2),                         # plot margins (b,l,t,r)
> #         las=1                                   # horizontal labels
> #         )
> #     # Draw the plot
> #     plot(matrix,                                # data to plot
> #         cex=cex_val,                            # font size
> #         dimen=2                                 # dimensions to plot
> #         )
> #     title(main=title)                           # title of plot
> # 
> #     dev.off()
> #     }
> # pic_png("LDA.png", lda_result, "Linear Discriminant Analysis")
> ##### end png #####
> ##### tiff #####
> # pic_tiff<-function(filename, matrix, title, cex_val=1)
> #     {# Start tiff device with basic settings
> #     tiff(filename,
> #         bg="white",                             # background colour
> #         res=300,                                # image resolution (dpi)
> #         units="in", width=8.3, height=5.8,      # image dimensions (inches)
> #         compression="none"                      # image compression 
> #                                                 #  (one of none, lzw, zip)
> #         )
> #     par(mgp=c(5,2,0),                           # axis margins 
> #                                                 #  (title, labels, line)
> #         mar=c(7,4,4,2),                         # plot margins (b,l,t,r)
> #         las=1                                   # horizontal labels
> #         )
> #     # Draw the plot
> #     plot(matrix,                                # data to plot
> #         cex=cex_val,                            # font size
> #         dimen=2                                 # dimensions to plot
> #         )
> #     title(main=title)                           # title of plot
> # 
> #     dev.off()
> #     }
> # pic_tiff("LDA.tif", lda_result, "Linear Discriminant Analysis")
> ##### end tiff #####
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