On Jul 5, 2011, at 7:16 PM, Q wrote:


I'm trying to create a data frame where each row has a unique combination of
I start with a vector of species like so:

1> test <- c("A","B","C","D")
1> test
[1] "A" "B" "C" "D"

To get all species combinations I have used expand.grid like this:

1> pairs <- expand.grid(test,test)

1> pairs

  Var1 Var2

1     A    A
2     B    A
3     C    A
4     D    A
5     A    B

Now I want to select only the unique pairs, which I have tried to do with
the function "unique":

1> unique(pairs)

You want the duplicated function or more precisely its negation, ... and you need to sort within rows if yoy want (b,a) to look like (a,b).

, but that doesn't do anything... I guess because it considers A,B to be different from B,A. The data frame I would like to end up with should look
like this.

> pairs[!duplicated(t(apply(pairs, 1, sort))), ]
   Var1 Var2
1     A    A
2     B    A
3     C    A
4     D    A
6     B    B
7     C    B
8     D    B
11    C    C
12    D    C
16    D    D

The t( ) is needed to get the row-wise arrangement restore after apply transposed it.

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