On Jul 11, 2011, at 11:55 AM, Martin Batholdy wrote:


I have a data.frame that looks like this:

Subject <- c(rep(1,4), rep(2,4), rep(3,4))
y <- rnorm(12, 3, 2)
gender <- c(rep("w",4), rep("m",4), rep("w",4))
comment <- c(rep("comment A",4), rep("comment B",4), rep("comment C", 4))

data <- data.frame(Subject,y,gender,comment)

  Subject           y gender   comment
1        1  2.86495339      w comment A
2        1  3.33758993      w comment A
3        1  7.00301094      w comment A
4        1  3.81585998      w comment A
5        2  2.50300460      m comment B
6        2  4.93830489      m comment B
7        2  5.08184289      m comment B
8        2  4.00552691      m comment B
9        3  3.16131181      w comment C
10       3  4.61620021      w comment C
11       3  3.68288799      w comment C
12       3 -0.05049953      w comment C

So I have multiple lines for one subject because of a repeated measurement of variable y
(the rest of the variables stay the same, like gender).

Now I would like to transform this data.frame in two ways:

1. a aggregated form,
where I only have one row left for each subject - for numerical variables within the data.frame (like y) a mean should be calculated.

?aggregate     # seems that you _should_ have already looked here.

2. a restructured form,
where I only have one row for each subject, but four different y- columns (y1, y2, y3, y4).

You can use xtab .
 data$seqvar <- ave(data$y, data$Subject, FUN=seq)
 xtabs(y ~ Subject +seqvar, data=data)

or ..
# reshape (the function)
> data$seqvar <- ave(data$y, data$Subject, FUN=seq)
> reshape(data, idvar=c("Subject", "gender", "comment"), timevar="seqvar", direction="wide")

or the easier to understand reshape or reshape2 packages.

David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

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