I am analyzing a dataset on the effects of six pesticides on population growth rate of a predatory mite. The response variable is the population growth rate of the mite expressed as ln(Nfinal/Nstarting) of the mite, where N final the population of the mite at the end of the experiment and N starting the population of the mite at the beginning of the experiment. Each of the six treatments was ran in three time blocks with 2 replicates per block. In the third block I lost 1 replicate for four of the six treatments. I am analyzing the data in the nlme package using model<-lme(growth.rate~treatment,random=~1|block). When I ran intervals(model), the confidence intervals of the variance of the random factor range from 0 to inf. Any comments as to why I get unrealistic confidence intervals for the random factor?
In another study, I am investigating the interactions between pesticides in a two-way design: (pesticideA x no pesticide A) crossed with (pesticideB x no pesticide B). The blocks and number of replicates is as above, and the data are unbalanced again. The model is defined as model<-lme(growth.rate~pestA*pestB,random=~1|block). When I run intervals (model), I usually get the following error message: "Error in intervals.lme(model) : Cannot get confidence intervals on var-cov components: Non-positive definite approximate variance-covariance". I have read on the mailing list that the error message appears when the model is not well-specified, but I do not see an alternative way of specifying the model. Any ideas as to why I get wide confidence intervals or the error message? Any recommendations on other possibilities for analyzing the data are greatly appreciated. I cannot use aov because of the unbalanced data. I have tried to use Type III sums of squares in the car package [model<-aov(growth.rate~pestA*pestB+Error(block))], but when I run Anova(model,type=c("3")) I get the following error message: Error in as.data.frame.default(data, optional = TRUE) : cannot coerce class '"function"' into a data.frame Thank you very much, Menelaos Stavrinides Lecturer, Dept. of Agricultural Sciences Cyprus University of Technology P.O. Box 50329, 3603 Limassol, Cyprus Tel.: + 357 25002186 Fax: + 357 25002767 Email: m.stavrini...@cut.ac.cy [[alternative HTML version deleted]] ______________________________________________ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.