Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 19:03:08 +0100
From: jbustosm...@yahoo.es
To: r-help@r-project.org
Subject: [R] Life Cycle Assessment with R.
Hello everyone,
There's something really important about climate change and how many
institutions around the globe are looking for softwares solutions in order to
achieve they (and everyone) needs to improve life conditions in all the planet.
Currently, they're many comercial softwares working with this important topic
named as: "Life Cycle Assesment", monitoring carbon emition, but as many of
you may know, commercial softwares controlling or managing our planet could be
another big mistake.
To sum up briefly, it could be a good idea creating a R package doing Life
Cycle Assessment (if has not being created) in order to gain a better
understanding and making these important decisions about global warming and how
can we as humanity control how Carbon Footprint is measured by commercial or
not commercial propouses.
Who knows if there's people working in Life Cycle Assesment (carbon emition)
with R? or If there's someone interested in doing a package about it, please
let me know!
I explain this here, because of the R philosophy.Best wishes!José
BustosChilean Biostatistician
[ my text below]
Well, generally R packages are more general purpose tools than specific
applications such as this- although there may be an iphone save the world app
I have no idea but usually the issue here is getting the required
data in an open form. Many govt agencies think excel is "open" and that you
would not want
to do an analysis that wasn't supported in such popular software. This comes up
with financial data all the time, I even asked for account information
in csv and I got a reply, "thank you for asking about exporting to excel" and a
detailed explanation that was completely irrelevant. Modelling of complicated
systems is often well complicated and predictions about the future involve
assumptions that are often made to suit the needs of the immediate
analyst. On topics which involve money or emotion, getting unbiased analysis is
impossible and getting data can be very difficult. This list is
not designed for advocacy or even discussion of analysis results but ability
to get data in form usable by R may be or more general interest
to those seeking help on R.
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