please look at the latex() function in package "Hmisc".

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 22, 2011, at 0:55, Alex Ruiz Euler <> wrote:

> Dear community,
> I had been looking for an easy way to produce latex tables from R
> output. xtable() and the package apsrtable produce good outputs but they are 
> not
> exactly what I was looking for. 
> I wrote this code that generates regression tables from multiple R
> linear models. I want to share it because it might be
> useful for someone else, and because I would appreciate comments on how to
> optimize the code. I'm also open to suggestions about design or packages to 
> include. Or pointing out bugs. I hope this is the right list to post.
> Please consider it is still in a very primitive form, and the generated table 
> might look strange for some disciplines (I come from political science).
> Thanks,
> Alex
> ## Start script
> #################################
> #### R models to Latex table ####
> #################################
> # nice() - Multiple R linear models into one Latex table.
> #
> #    nice(list(fit1,fit2,...,fitn)) for generic table with n models
> #
> #                    or
> #
> #  for better tables, create objects 'model.names' and 'final.varnames', then
> #
> #    nice(list(fit1,fit2,...,fitn), model.names, final.varnames)
> nice <- function(modelos, model.names=NULL, final.varnames=NULL) {
>  var.names<-vector(mode="character")
>  k<-1
>  for (i in 1:length(modelos)) {
>    l<-length(names(coef(modelos[[i]])))
>    var.names[c(k:c(k+l-1))]<-names(coef(modelos[[i]]))
>    k<-k+l
>  }
>  var.names<-unique(var.names)
>  if(is.null(final.varnames)) {
>  final.varnames<-var.names
>  }
>  if(is.null(model.names)) {
>  model.names<-paste("Model",1:length(modelos))
>  }
>  mat.all<-matrix(data=NA, nrow=length(var.names)*2, byrow=FALSE, 
> ncol=length(model.names), 
> dimnames=list(c(rep(c("coef","sd"),length=length(var.names)*2)), 
> c(model.names)))
>  dimnames(mat.all)[[1]][c(seq(1,dim(mat.all)[1], by=2))]<-var.names; 
> dimnames(mat.all)[[1]][c(seq(2,dim(mat.all)[1], by=2))]<-""
>  for (j in 1:length(modelos)) {
> mat.all[c(match(names(coef(modelos[[j]])),dimnames(mat.all)[[1]])),j]<-coef(modelos[[j]])
> mat.all[c(match(names(coef(modelos[[j]])),dimnames(mat.all)[[1]])+1),j]<-sqrt(diag(vcov(modelos[[j]])))
>  }
>  mat.all<-signif(mat.all, digits=3); 
> dimnames(mat.all)[[1]][c(seq(1,dim(mat.all)[1], by=2))]<-final.varnames
>  cat("\\begin{table}[!hbt]", "\n","\\caption[Short for List of Tables]{Long 
> for this 
> title}","\n","\\begin{center}","\n","\\begin{tabular}{llllllllll}","\n")
> cat("&",paste(model.names[1:length(model.names)-1],"&"),model.names[length(model.names)],"\\\\","\n","\\hline","\n")
>  for(i in 1:dim(mat.all)[1]) {
>    if(i %in% c(seq(1,dim(mat.all)[1], by=2))) { # Odd rows (coefficients)
>  cat(dimnames(mat.all)[[1]][i],"&")
>  cat(
>    for (j in 1:(length(modelos)-1)) {
>      if(![i,j])) {
>    p.val<-abs(mat.all[i,j]/mat.all[i+1,j])
>    if(p.val>1.644) {
>      if(1.645<=p.val & p.val<1.96) cat("\\textbf{",round(mat.all[i,j], 
> digits=5),"*}&", sep="") else {
>        if(1.96<p.val & p.val<2.576) cat("\\textbf{",round(mat.all[i,j], 
> digits=5),"**}&", sep="") else {
>          cat("\\textbf{",round(mat.all[i,j], digits=5),"***}&", sep="")
>        }
>      }
>      } else cat(round(mat.all[i,j], digits=5),"&")
>    } else cat("&")
>  })
>  cat(
>    for (j in length(modelos) ) {
>      if(![i,j])) {
>    p.val<-abs(mat.all[i,j]/mat.all[i+1,j])
>    if(p.val>1.644) {
>      if(1.645<=p.val & p.val<1.96) cat("\\textbf{",round(mat.all[i,j], 
> digits=5),"*}", sep="") else {
>        if(1.96<p.val & p.val<2.576) cat("\\textbf{",round(mat.all[i,j], 
> digits=5),"**}", sep="") else {
>          cat("\\textbf{",round(mat.all[i,j], digits=5),"***}", sep="")
>        }
>      }
>    } else cat(round(mat.all[i,j], digits=5))
>    }
>   })
>  cat("\\\\", "\n" )
>  } else {
> cat("&",ifelse(![i,1:(length(dimnames(mat.all)[[2]])-1)]),paste("(\\emph{",round(mat.all[i,1:(length(dimnames(mat.all)[[2]])-1)],
>  digits=5),"})&",sep=""), paste("&")),
> ifelse(![i,length(dimnames(mat.all)[[2]])]),paste("(\\emph{",round(mat.all[i,length(dimnames(mat.all)[[2]])],
>  digits=5),"})",sep=""),paste(" ")),
>    "\\\\", sep="", fill=TRUE)}
>    }
>  cat("\\hline","\n","\\emph{n}","&")
>  cat(
>      for(j in 1:(length(modelos)-1)) {
>    cat(length(modelos[[j]]$residuals),"&",sep="")
>      },
>      for(j in length(modelos)) {
>    cat(length(modelos[[j]]$residuals), "\\\\", "\n", sep="")
>      }
>  )
>  cat("\\emph{Adj-R$^2$}&")
>  cat(
>    for(j in 1:(length(modelos)-1)) {
>    if (class(modelos[[j]])[1]=="lm") 
> {cat(round(summary(modelos[[j]])$adj.r.squared,digits=2),"&", sep="")} else {
>    cat("&") 
>    }
>      },
>      for(j in length(modelos)) {
>    if (class(modelos[[j]])[1]=="lm") 
> {cat(round(summary(modelos[[j]])$adj.r.squared,digits=2),"\\\\","\n")} else {
>    cat("\\\\","\n") 
>    }
>      } 
>    )
>  cat("\\emph{AIC}&")
>  cat(
>    for(j in 1:(length(modelos)-1)) {
>    if (class(modelos[[j]])[1]=="glm") {cat(round(summary(modelos[[j]])$aic, 
> digits=0),"&", sep="")} else {
>    cat("&")
>    }
>      },
>      for(j in length(modelos)) {
>    if (class(modelos[[j]])[1]=="glm") {cat(round(summary(modelos[[j]])$aic, 
> digits=0),"\\\\", sep="")} else {
>    cat("\\\\") 
>    }
>      }
>    )
>  cat("\n","\\hline")
>  cat("\n","\\multicolumn{3}{l}{\\footnotesize{Signif. codes:  0.01 `***' 0.05 
> `**' 0.1 `*'}}\\\\")
>  cat("\n","\\multicolumn{3}{l}{\\footnotesize{Standard errors in 
> parentheses}}\\\\")
>  cat("\n","\\end{tabular}","\n","\\end{center}", "\n", "\\end{table}", "\n")
> # cat("% Suggestions: Alex R.E. <>","\n")
> }
> ## End script
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