
I have two questions want to ask.

1. If I have a matrix like this, and I want to figure out the rows whose
value in the 3rd column are less than 0.05. How can I do it with R.
hsa-let-7a--MBTD1    0.528239197    2.41E-05
hsa-let-7a--APOBEC1    0.507869409    5.51E-05
hsa-let-7a--PAPOLA    0.470451884    0.000221774
hsa-let-7a--NF2    0.469280186    0.000231065
hsa-let-7a--SLC17A5    0.454597978    0.000381713
hsa-let-7a--THOC2    0.447714054    0.000479322
hsa-let-7a--SMG7    0.444972282    0.000524129

2. I got the p.adjust.R from R source. In the method "BH", I am not clear
with the code:
           i <- lp:1L
           o <- order(p, decreasing = TRUE)
           ro <- order(o)
           pmin(1, cummin( n / i * p[o] ))[ro]

How to explain the first and the fourth row.
p.adjust.methods <-
    c("holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none")
p.adjust <- function(p, method = p.adjust.methods, n = length(p))
    ## Methods 'Hommel', 'BH', 'BY' and speed improvements contributed by
    ## Gordon Smyth <sm...@wehi.edu.au>.
    method <- match.arg(method)
    if(method == "fdr") method <- "BH" # back compatibility
    nm <- names(p)
    p <- as.numeric(p); names(p) <- nm
    p0 <- p
    if(all(nna <- !is.na(p))) nna <- TRUE
    p <- p[nna]
    lp <- length(p)
    stopifnot(n >= lp)
    if (n <= 1) return(p0)
    if (n == 2 && method == "hommel") method <- "hochberg"
    p0[nna] <-
        bonferroni = pmin(1, n * p),
        holm = {
     i <- seq_len(lp)
     o <- order(p)
     ro <- order(o)
     pmin(1, cummax( (n - i + 1L) * p[o] ))[ro]
        hommel = { ## needs n-1 >= 2 in for() below
     if(n > lp) p <- c(p, rep.int(1, n-lp))
     i <- seq_len(n)
     o <- order(p)
     p <- p[o]
     ro <- order(o)
     q <- pa <- rep.int( min(n*p/i), n)
     for (j in (n-1):2) {
         ij <- seq_len(n-j+1)
         i2 <- (n-j+2):n
         q1 <- min(j*p[i2]/(2:j))
         q[ij] <- pmin(j*p[ij], q1)
         q[i2] <- q[n-j+1]
         pa <- pmax(pa,q)
     pmax(pa,p)[if(lp < n) ro[1:lp] else ro]
        hochberg = {
     i <- lp:1L
     o <- order(p, decreasing = TRUE)
     ro <- order(o)
     pmin(1, cummin( (n - i + 1L) * p[o] ))[ro]
        BH = {
     i <- lp:1L
     o <- order(p, decreasing = TRUE)
     ro <- order(o)
     pmin(1, cummin( n / i * p[o] ))[ro]
        BY = {
     i <- lp:1L
     o <- order(p, decreasing = TRUE)
     ro <- order(o)
     q <- sum(1L/(1L:n))
     pmin(1, cummin(q * n / i * p[o]))[ro]
        none = p)

I wrote a code to do my work in BH correction like the following:


Is that right? Thanks for all.


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