here's another one - which is easier to generalize:

x <- array(rnorm(50 * 50 * 50 * 91, 0, 2), dim=c(50, 50, 50, 91))
y <- x [,,,1:90] # decide yourself what to do with slice 91, but
                 # 91 is not divisible by 3
system.time ({
dim (y) <- c (50, 50, 50, 3, 90 %/% 3)
y <- aperm (y, c (4, 1:3, 5))
v2 <- colMeans (y)
       User      System verstrichen
       0.32        0.08        0.40

(my computer is a bit slower than Bill's:)
> system.time (v1 <- f1 (x))
       User      System verstrichen
      0.360       0.030       0.396


Am 05.10.2011 20:24, schrieb William Dunlap:
I corrected your code a bit and put it into a function, f0, to
make testing easier.  I also made a small dataset to make
testing easier.  Then I made a new function f1 which does
what f0 does in a vectorized manner:

   x<- array(rnorm(50 * 50 * 50 * 91, 0, 2), dim=c(50, 50, 50, 91))
   xsmall<- array(log(seq_len(2 * 2 * 2 * 91)), dim=c(2, 2, 2, 91))

   f0<- function(x) {
       data_reduced<- array(0, dim=c(dim(x)[1:3], trunc(dim(x)[4]/3)))
       reduce<- seq(1, dim(x)[4]-1, by=3)
       for( i in 1:length(reduce) ) {
           data_reduced[ , , , i]<- apply(x[ , , , reduce[i] : (reduce[i]+2) ], 
1:3, mean)

   f1<- function(x) {
      reduce<- seq(1, dim(x)[4]-1, by=3)
      data_reduced<- (x[, , , reduce] + x[, , , reduce+1] + x[, , , reduce+2]) 
/ 3

The results were:

   >  system.time(v1<- f1(x))
      user  system elapsed
     0.280   0.040   0.323
   >  system.time(v0<- f0(x))
      user  system elapsed
    73.760   0.060  73.867
   >  all.equal(v0, v1)
   [1] TRUE

"I thought apply would already vectorize, rather than loop over every 
No, you have that backwards.  Use *apply functions when you cannot figure
out how to vectorize.

Bill Dunlap
Spotfire, TIBCO Software

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Martin Batholdy
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 10:40 AM
To: R Help
Subject: [R] speed up this algorithm (apply-fuction / 4D array)


I have this sample-code (see above) and I was wondering wether it is possible 
to speed things up.

What this code does is the following:

x is 4D array (you can imagine it as x, y, z-coordinates and a time-coordinate).

So x contains 50x50x50 data-arrays for 91 time-points.

Now I want to reduce the 91 time-points.
I want to merge three consecutive time points to one time-points by calculating 
the mean of this three
time-points for every x,y,z coordinate.

The reduce-sequence defines which time-points should get merged.
And the apply-function in the for-loop calculates the mean of the three 
3D-Arrays and puts them into a
new 4D array (data_reduced).

The problem is that even in this example it takes really long.
I thought apply would already vectorize, rather than loop over every coordinate.

But for my actual data-set it takes a really long time ... So I would be really 
grateful for any
suggestions how to speed this up.

x<- array(rnorm(50 * 50 * 50 * 90, 0, 2), dim=c(50, 50, 50, 91))

data_reduced<- array(0, dim=c(50, 50, 50, 90/3))

reduce<- seq(1,90, 3)

for( i in 1:length(reduce) ) {

        data_reduced[ , , , i]<-    apply(x[ , , , reduce[i] : (reduce[i]+3) ], 
1:3, mean)

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