Your first problem is that you aren't using paste() properly: print
out paste(ct3[, 1:2]) and take a look at it.

This works:

apply(head(ct3[,1:2]),1,paste,collapse = " ")

You also have the format argument to POSIXct wrong. See ?strptime for details.

So the whole line (if you want to do it in one) would be something like this:

v = xts(ct3[,3], as.POSIXct(apply(ct3[, 1:2],1, paste, collapse = "
"), format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"))


2011-02-22 09:31:13 19.46
2011-02-22 09:31:28 19.50
2011-02-22 09:31:43 19.55
2011-02-22 09:31:58 19.59
2011-02-22 09:32:13 19.67
2011-02-22 09:32:28 19.68


PS -- It's best practice to cc the list as well as me in replies so
that this gets archived.

On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 5:37 PM, Muhammad Abuizzah <> wrote:
> I attached a dput of my data file which I am trying to transform to xts.
> The name of my object is ct3, I am putting the generated info into "v"
> The code I used to convert it to xts is as follows:
> v = xts(ct3[,3], as.POSIXct(paste (ct3 [,1:2]), format = "%MM/%DD/%YYYY 
> %H:%M:%:S")
> I would appreciate any help in converting this data frame into xts.  I am not 
> sure is the NROW issue is the reason behind the failure or is it the data 
> formate
> thanks
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "R. Michael Weylandt <>" 
> <>
> To: Muhammad Abuizzah <>
> Cc: "" <>
> Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 3:23 PM
> Subject: Re: [R] NROW doesn't equal length(x)
> Data frame is list internally so length(df) = ncol(df)
> M
> On Oct 27, 2011, at 2:44 PM, Muhammad Abuizzah <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am converting a data.frame to xts.  the data.frame is 4 columns and 1000 
>> rows.  I get a message that "NROW (x) must match length(
>> class is data.frame, mode is list
>> when I run
>> dim(x)   # I get
>> 1000     4   #which is consistent with 1000 rows and 4 columns
>> NROW (x)  # I get
>> 1000  # which is the right answer
>> When I run length on each of columns in x separately using the "$" I get 
>> 1000, which is the right number too.
>> So length on each of the columns individually gives me the right answer, but 
>> length on the data.frame gives me the number of columns instead of the 
>> number of rows, is there an explanation
>> thanks
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