David Winsemius <dwinsemius <at> comcast.net> writes:

> From that hand waving description it would be difficult to tell. Sounds like a
reinvention of the Pareto
> Index, for which you can find many packages that provide facilities:
> http://finzi.psych.upenn.edu/cgi-bin/namazu.cgi?query=Pareto+index&max=100&;
> result=normal&sort=score&idxname=functions&idxname=vignettes&idxname=views

   I think the author is looking for specific measures of "reproductive
skew", a term from behavioral ecology/evolutionary biology. 

  (PS for first-time questioners: you should not assume that general
readers of the R-help list know much about your particular subject
area. Short definitions and web references are helpful.) 

 Based on a quick

  RSiteSearch("{reproductive skew}")
  findFn('{reproductive skew}')
  googling "reproductive skew CRAN"
  searching for "reproductive skew" at http://rseek.org

 I don't think so ...
 There isn't an R list for evolutionary or behavioral biology, as far
as I know, but you might try asking this question on the r-sig-ecology
mailing list.

  I suspect it would not be terribly hard to implement these methods
in R, but I can't find any evidence that anyone has done it and made
it publicly available.

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