Bert, this is not helpful. Since for loops and apply functions are not 
vectorized, why are you admonishing Carl that vectorizing doesn't always speed 
up algorithms? He didn't reference apply functions as being vectorized. But you 
seem to be doing so.

I would assert that vectorizing DOES always speed up algorithms, but things 
people sometimes think are vectorizing are not really.
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Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

Bert Gunter <> wrote:

Carl: "Almost anything you can do in a for() loop can be done easier and
faster with vectorization.-- "

That is false: while this is certainly true for a great many basic
vectorized operations, it is certainly false for most other things --
simulations are a typical example. Note that __ply type operations in base
R, plyr , and other packages are (generally) _not_vectorized; they are
"disguised" loops. Explicit for() loops are often just as fast or even a
bit faster, though many of us prefer what we consider the more transparent
functional style code of the __ply's.


Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics

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