Dear R-Helpers,

this is my first post ever to a mailing list, so please feel free to point out 
any missunderstandings on my side regarding the conventions of this mailing 

My problem:

Assuming the following character vector is given:

names <- c("filia Maria", "vidua Joh Dirck Kleve (oo 02.02.1732)", "Bernardus 
Engelb Franciscus Linde j.u.Doktor referendarius sereniss Judex et gograven 

Is there a regular expression matching the first consecutive list of 
capitalized words in a single characterstring ("Maria", "Joh Dirck Kleve", 
"Bernardus Engelb Franciscus Linde")?
This expression would very reliably seperate the person names from the 
additional information in my historic church register transcription.

Thank you very much for your effort,


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