dataset[ nrow(dataset), ] <- c ("Male", 5, "bad")

The above seems to have worked to append a row in place of a rbind(). This
method does not drop the custom attributes from the column. Do yo see any
issue with this method.


On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 10:16 PM, David Winsemius <>wrote:

> On Nov 12, 2011, at 6:40 PM, Sammy Zee wrote:
>  Thanks David. Besides rbind(), is there any other way to add a row to a
>> data frame so that I do not lose the custom attributes.
> I have already told you the method that I know of. You don't seem to have
> taken my poin that it is not a data.frame specific problem but rahter a
> facor problem. You are welcome to redefine ``. The R
> language is rather flexible in that manner.
> --
> David.
>> Thanks,
>> Sammy
>> On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 5:17 PM, David Winsemius <>
>> wrote:
>> On Nov 12, 2011, at 2:47 PM, Sammy Zee wrote:
>> When I use rbind() or to add a row to an existing
>> dataframe, it appears that attributes for the column of type "factor" are
>> dropped. See the sample example below to reproduce the problem. Please
>> suggest How I can fix this.
>> Thanks,
>> Sammy
>> a=c("Male", "Male", "Female", "Male")
>> b=c(1,2,3,4)
>> c=c("great", "bad", "good", "bad")
>> dataset<- data.frame (gender = a, count = b, answer = c)
>> dataset
>> gender count answer
>> 1   Male     1  great
>> 2   Male     2    bad
>> 3 Female     3   good
>> 4   Male     4    bad
>> attributes(dataset$answer)
>> $levels
>> [1] "bad"   "good"  "great"
>> $class
>> [1] "factor"
>> Now adding some custom attributes to column dataset$answer
>> attributes(dataset$answer)<-c(**attributes(dataset$answer),**
>> list(newattr1="custom-attr1"))
>> attributes(dataset$answer)<-c(**attributes(dataset$answer),**
>> list(newattr2="custom-attr2"))
>> If you look through the code of you see that column
>> values are processed with the 'factor' function.
>> > attributes(dataset$answer)
>> $levels
>> [1] "bad"   "good"  "great"
>> $class
>> [1] "factor"
>> $newattr1
>> [1] "custom-attr1"
>> $newattr2
>> [1] "custom-attr2"
>> > attributes(factor(dataset$**answer))
>> $levels
>> [1] "bad"   "good"  "great"
>> $class
>> [1] "factor"
>> So I think you are out of luck. You will need to restore the "special
>> attributes" yourself.
>> --
>> David.
>> attributes(dataset$answer)
>> $levels
>> [1] "bad"   "good"  "great"
>> $class
>> [1] "factor"
>> $newattr1
>> [1] "custom-attr1"
>> $newattr2
>> [1] "custom-attr2"
>> However as soon as I add a row to this data frame ("dataset") by rbind(),
>> it loses the custom
>> attributes ("newattr1" and "newattr2") I have just added
>> newrow = c(gender="Female", count = 5, answer = "great")
>> dataset <- rbind(dataset, newrow)
>> attributes(dataset$answer)
>> $levels
>> [1] "bad"   "good"  "great"
>> $class
>> [1] "factor"
>> the two custom attributes are dropped!! Any suggestion why this is
>> happening.
>> On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 11:44 AM, Jeff Newmiller
>> <>**wrote:
>> As the doctor says, if it hurts "don't do that".
>> A factor is a sequence of integers with a corresponding list of character
>> strings. Factors in two separate vectors can and usually do map the same
>> integer to different strings, and R cannot tell how you want that
>> resolved.
>> Convert these columns to character before combining them, and only convert
>> to factor when you have all of your possibilities present (or you specify
>> them in the creation of the factor vector).
>> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>> ---------------
>> Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go
>> Live...
>> Sammy Zee <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> When I use rbind() or to add a row to an existing
>> dataframe, it appears that attributes for the column of type "factor"
>> are
>> dropped. I see the following post with same problem. However i did not
>> see
>> any reply to the following posting offering a solution. Could someone
>> please help.
>> attributes-for-factor-**variables-td919575.html<>
>> Thanks,
>> Sammy
>>    [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
>> ___
> David Winsemius, MD
> West Hartford, CT

        [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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