My responses are in brackets below, plus a final note after the main text.

----- Original Message -----
From: Uwe Ligges <>
To: Scott Raynaud <>
Cc: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 9:16 AM
Subject: Re: [R] modelling and R misconceptions; was: package installtion

This is hopeless [That's a matter of perception-even concentration camp 
found a way to hope (see Viktor Frankl)], since you never [never is a strong 
and many times leads to cognitive errors] seem to listen to our 
advice [It's possible that I misunderstood your recommedations (more likely), 
or that you communicated poorly (less likely)], 
therefore this will be my very last try:

So you actually need local advice [Yes I need advice-that's why I post here!], 
both for statistical concepts and R related [I don't claim to be a statistical 
but I can hold my own.  Now, R is a different matter].  No statistics software 
can estimate effects of variables that you observed to be constant (e.g. 0) 
all the time [I think you misuderstood my intentions-I never wanted to estimate 
effects that are 0 all of the time]. If any software does, 
please delete it a once from your machine.
Instead, ask a local statistician for advice on your problem. You 
certainly want to show the data and your model to the local expert - 
since you don't show us. [I gave a detailed explanation in a previous post 
which I repeat here:

|OK, I'm using William Browne's MLPowSim to create an R script which will 
simulate samples for estimation of sample size in mixed models.  I have subjects
| nested in hospitals with hospitals treated as random and all of my covariates 
at level 1.  My outcome is death, so it's binary and I'll have a fixed and 
|random intercept.  My interest is in the relation of the covariates to the 
|My most important variable is gestational age (GA) which my investigators 
divide thusly: 23-24, 25-26, 27-28, 29-30 and 31-32.  I have recoded the
| dummies for GA in the script according to the MLPowSim instructions to a 
random multinomial variable:
|               macpred<-rmultinom(n2,1,c(.1031,.1482,.2385,.4404,.0698)) 
|               x[,3]<-macpred[1,][l2id]
|               x[,4]<-macpred[2,][l2id]
|               x[,5]<-macpred[3,][l2id]
|               x[,6]<-macpred[4,][l2id]
|GA 23-24 is the reference with p=.0698.  I started with a structured sampling 
scheme of 20, 60, 100, 120 and 140 level 2 units.  My level 2 units have 
|different sizes.  So at 20 I had 5 hospitals with 100 patients, 4 with 280, 3 
with 460, 3 with 640, 3 with 820 and 2 with 1000.  Thus, at 60 hospitals, I 
have 15, 
|12, 9, 9, 9, 6 with the same cell sample sizes.
|According to the MLPowSim documentation, with small probablities it's possible 
to have a column of zeroes in the X matrix if there are not many units in 
|the random factor.  R will choke on this but MLWin sets the associated fixed 
effects to 0.  When R choked, I increased from 20 to 60 as my minimum as 
|suggested in the MLPowSim documentation.  Still no luck.

Since this is a simulation, I assume once and a while that by chance a 
coefficient could be 0. 
In fact, Browne mentions as much in his documentation.  There is a bit more to 
my simulation, 
but I thought I'd try to keep it as simple as possible, at least at the outset.]

And then you want to ask for local R course 
since reading the documentation seems not to help [You got that right!]. 
Applying mtrace() in 
a non exiting object shows this straight away.

Uwe Ligges

Apparently I misuderstood the prupose of mtrace after reading the 
documentation-I thought it was 
to debug problems of the sort I've encountered.  Michael Weylandt provided 
appropriate direction 
in the previous post for which I am grateful.

Not all of us can be intellectual superstars.  That's why we ask for help.  
This much I did read and understand
from the R posting guide:

Responding to other posts: 
        * Rudeness and ad hominem comments are not acceptable. Brevity is OK. 
It's a good lesson to learn.

On 17.11.2011 15:49, Scott Raynaud wrote:
> I believe the problem is a column of zeroes in my x matrix.  I have tried the 
> suggestions in the documentation,
> so now to try to confirm the probelm I'd like to run debug.  Here's where I 
> think the problem is:
> ###~~~~~~~~~~      Fitting the model using lmer funtion    ~~~~~~~~~~###
> (fitmodel<- lmer(modelformula,data,family=binomial(link=logit),nAGQ=1))
> mtrace(fitmodel)
> I added the mtrace to catch the error, but get the following:
> Error in mtrace(fitmodel) : Can't find fitmodel
> How can I debug this?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Rolf Turner<>
> To: Scott Raynaud<>
> Cc: ""<>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 6:04 PM
> Subject: Re: [R] package installtion
> On 17/11/11 05:37, Scott Raynaud wrote:
>> That might be an option if it weren't my most important predictor.  I'm 
>> thinking my best bet is to use MLWin for the estimation since it will 
>> properly set fixed effects
>>    to 0.  All my other sample size simulation programs use SAS PROC IML 
>>which I don't have/can't afford.  I like R since it's free, but I can't work 
>>around the problem
>> I'm currently having.
> This is the ``push every possible button until you get a result and to hell 
> with what
> anything actually means'' approach to statistics.  The probability of getting 
> a
> *meaningful* result from this approach is close to zero.
> Why don't you try to *understand* what is going on, rather than wildly 
> throwing
> every possible piece of software at the problem until one such piece runs?
>      cheers,
>          Rolf Turner
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