

are what you're looking for.

-- Bert

On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 6:07 AM, Christopher Desjardins
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am wondering if anyone knows how to perform an F-test on the change in R
> square between hierarchical models in R? SPSS provides this information and
> a researcher that I am working with is interested in getting this
> information. Alternatively, if someone knows how I can calculate the test
> statistic (SPSS calls it F-change?) and dfs that would be helpful as well.
> The output and the test I am looking for is available here ->
> Chris
> On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 6:20 AM, Smart Guy <> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>>           I was adding a new row of data to my data frame using rbind(). I
>> was surprised to see that after adding new row, I lost my data frame level
>> attibute as well as  col level attribute. Please help me to insert a new
>> row at frist or middle position so that my custom attribute is not lost.
>>  Here is what I did.
>> age<-c(15,20,18)
>> weight<-c(40,42,30)
>> ### creating my data frame ####
>> mydata <- data.frame(age,weight)
>> ### creating data frame level attribute ####
>> attr(mydata,"myattr")<-c("myinfo")
>> ### creating col level attribute for 'age' column  ###
>> attr(mydata$age,"mycolattr")<-c("mycolinfo")
>> #### Checking attributes  ###
>> attributes(mydata)
>> attributes(mydata$age)
>> ### creating new row  #####
>> newrow <- data.frame(age=16, weight= 42)
>> #### Inserting newrow as first row to my data frame ####
>> mydata<- rbind(newrow, mydata)
>> #### Checking attributes again ###  I lost my custom attributes
>> attributes(mydata$age)
>> attributes(mydata)
>> Thanks in advance,
>> --
>> SG
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Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics

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Phone: 467-7374

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