Dear all, I am finding difficulty in the following, I would like to 
create an empty matrix e.g. 10x10 of 0s and sequentially fill this 
matrix with randomly placed a 1s until it is saturated. Producing 100 
matrices of sequentially increasing density., This process needs to be 
randomized 1000 times., I assume i should run this along the following 
lines, 1) Create 1000 matrices all zeros, 2) add a random 1 to all 
matrices, 3) run function on all 1000 matrices and output results to a 
vector table (i.e. calculate density of matric at each step for all 100 
)., 4) add another 1 to the previous 1000 matrices in a 
random position., repeat till all matrices saturated., I have looked 
through histories on random fill algorithms but all packages I can find 
nothing as simple as the random fill I am looking for., sorry for 
bothering, Thank you for any help in advance.

Something that starts along the lines of the following? Sorry this example is 

matrixfill <- function(emptymatrix, K=fullmatrix, time=100, from=0, to=time)


N <- numeric(time+1)

N[1] <- emptymatrix

for (i in 1:time) N[i+1] <- N[i]+"place random 1 in a random xy position" until 
Calculate Density of matrix

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