At 16:41 27/11/2011, Kristi Shoemaker wrote:
Hi John,

Your assumptions are correct and those examples were very helpful, thanks!

I think I'm almost there, but I'm screwing up something with the within-subjects factor (the example has two, I only have one). See below. Why am I not seeing my within-subjects factors in the ANOVA report?

I am by no means an expert in this but my reading of the documentation suggests that the idata and idesign parameters are for multivariate models and that is not what you specified.

> Dat2
   Subj  Age Sex Time   HippV
1   s01 32.9   1   0w 6.50098
2   s01 32.9   1   6w 6.91793
3   s02 35.1   0   0w 7.32480
4   s02 35.1   0   6w 7.56012
5   s03 34.4   0   0w 6.51385
6   s03 34.4   0   6w 6.56875
9   s05 39.9   1   0w 6.92855
10  s05 39.9   1   6w 6.94926
11  s06 29.5   1   0w 6.99383
12  s06 29.5   1   6w 7.10568
13  s07 45.9   1   0w 6.94380
14  s07 45.9   1   6w 7.08190
15  s08 20.3   1   0w 7.76881
16  s08 20.3   1   6w 7.72725
17  s09 26.9   0   0w 5.37566
18  s09 26.9   0   6w 5.74887
21  s11 22.0   0   0w 7.12992
22  s11 22.0   0   6w 7.16237
23  s12 31.0   1   0w 6.70629
24  s12 31.0   1   6w 6.80872
25  s13 50.1   1   0w 7.22649
26  s13 50.1   1   6w 7.58900
27  s14 22.2   0   0w 5.97577
28  s14 22.2   0   6w 5.80801
29  s16 20.4   1   0w 7.99554
30  s16 20.4   1   6w 8.09260
31  s20 24.0   0   0w 7.01014
32  s20 24.0   0   6w 6.87821
33  s21 32.4   0   0w 5.90883
34  s21 32.4   0   6w 5.95392
37  s24 22.2   0   0w 6.15474
38  s24 22.2   0   6w 6.00906
41  s27 22.2   1   0w 7.88765
42  s27 22.2   1   6w 7.76038
49  s35 24.3   0   0w 6.05998
50  s35 24.3   0   6w 6.07399
51  s36 23.5   0   0w 7.83182
52  s36 23.5   0   6w 7.60268
53  s38 59.7   1   0w 7.39672
54  s38 59.7   1   6w 6.98291
55  s39 40.5   0   0w 7.31330
56  s39 40.5   0   6w 7.50559
57  s40 24.2   1   0w 8.54958
58  s40 24.2   1   6w 8.65016
59  s41 23.6   1   0w 7.76049
60  s41 23.6   1   6w 7.58946
61  s42 53.3   0   0w 7.03388
62  s42 53.3   0   6w 7.48384
63  s43 34.4   0   0w 6.86967
64  s43 34.4   0   6w 6.81076
65  s44 44.8   0   0w 7.33779
66  s44 44.8   0   6w 7.86175
67  s45 40.2   1   0w 6.55963
68  s45 40.2   1   6w 6.52577
71  s47 26.5   0   0w 7.09418
72  s47 26.5   0   6w 6.92850
73  s48 22.7   0   0w 6.77078
74  s48 22.7   0   6w 6.67289
75  s50 36.1   1   0w 7.47208
76  s50 36.1   1   6w 7.55876
> library(car)
Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: nnet
Loading required package: survival
Loading required package: splines
> timepoints <- factor(c("0w", "6w"),
+                 levels=c("0w","6w"))
> idata=data.frame(timepoints)
> mod.ok <- lm(HippV ~ Age*Sex,data=Dat2)
> (av.ok <- Anova(mod.ok, idata=idata, idesign=~timepoints))
Anova Table (Type II tests)

Response: HippV
           Sum Sq Df F value    Pr(>F)
Age        0.0234  1   0.071 0.7909202
Sex        5.3082  1  16.128 0.0001781 ***
Age:Sex    4.7772  1  14.514 0.0003478 ***
Residuals 18.4314 56
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

 From: John Fox <>

Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2011 7:19 PM
Subject: RE: [R] SPSS -> R

Dear Kristi,

I assume that this is a repeated-measures ANOVA with one within-subjects
factor (Time) and two between-subjects factors (Age and Sex, which are
crossed). If Age is numeric, and not a factor, then the "type-III" tests
that you requested don't test sensible hypotheses. In any event, if my guess
is right about the design, then you can use the Anova() function in the car
package for an equivalent analysis. See the repeated-measures example in
?Anova (for the O'Brien and Kaiser data).

You've already had an answer to the more general question.

I hope this helps,

John Fox
Senator William McMaster
  Professor of Social Statistics
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:r-help-bounces@r-
>] On Behalf Of Kristi Shoemaker
> Sent: November-26-11 11:08 AM
> To:
> Subject: [R] SPSS -> R
> I'm an SPSS user trying to make the transition to R.
> Can someone help me translate the following SPSS code into R?:
> GLM Total_tp1 Total_tp2 WITH Age Sex
>   /WSFACTOR=Time 2 Repeated
>   /WSDESIGN= Time
>   /DESIGN= Age Sex Age*Sex.
> Also. can anyone recommend any resources to help SPSS users learn to
> things in R?
> Thanks,
> -kristi
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        [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

Michael Dewey

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