khai wrote on 12/20/2011 01:24:10 PM:

> Thanks very much for responses. The 2 suggestions each do a part of what 
> want. Jean's proposal permutes nonzero elements within each row but 
> the location of the nonzero element around in the j slot of each i row. 
> Douglas's idea keeps the second part but permutes the entire x slot 
> I'll try to see how I can combine these 2 ideas but it's not immediately
> obvious to me. =}
> -khai

I'm not sure what you mean by shifting "the location of the nonzero 
element around in the j slot of each i row."

My code shifts the nonzero columns around at random, but keeps the zero 
column in its original location.  I thought that this is what you wanted 
to do.

In the example below, the zero column starts as column 5 and ends as 
column 5, and the nonzero columns are reordered.  Columns 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 
end up as 2, 1, 6, 3, 5, 4.


> M1
5 x 6 sparse Matrix of class "dgTMatrix"
[1,] .     6.569 5.592 .    . . 
[2,] 1.163 2.688 .     1.85 . 3.217
[3,] 2.527 3.375 .     .    . 6.481
[4,] .     .     .     .    . 1.483
[5,] 1.004 .     .     .    . . 
> nonzero.cols <- !apply(M1==0, 2, all)
> M2 <- as.matrix(M1)
> reord <- sample(seq(dim(M1)[2])[nonzero.cols])
> M2[, nonzero.cols] <- as.matrix(M1[, reord])
> Matrix(M2, sparse=TRUE)
5 x 6 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
[1,] 6.569 .     .     5.592 . . 
[2,] 2.688 1.163 3.217 .     . 1.85
[3,] 3.375 2.527 6.481 .     . . 
[4,] .     .     1.483 .     . . 
[5,] .     1.004 .     .     . . 

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