elpape wrote on 12/30/2011 09:04:53 AM:

> Dear all,
> I would like to create a vertically stacked area chart in R. The data 
> presented in the attached text file. 
> I would like to see the trend in values for the different groups with
> sediment depth (that's why I would like to create a vertically stacked
> chart; normally sed_depth should be = x, but I want it plotted on the
> y-axis). In the packages available to create stacked area plots, there 
> to be an option for horizontally stacked area plots only. Does anybody 
> how I should adjust the code for creating the graph that I want?
> http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/file/n4245931/FT_GB0806.txt FT_GB0806.txt 
> I hope this message is clear! Thanks for the help!
> Ellen

I'm not sure what's available in packages for area plots.  You may wish to 
write your own code using the polygon() function.  Here's an example.

df <- structure(list(sed_depth = c("0-1", "1-2", "2-3", "3-4", "4-10", 
"0-1", "1-2", "2-3", "3-4", "4-10", "0-1", "1-2", "2-3", "3-4", 
"4-10", "0-1", "1-2", "2-3", "3-4", "4-10"), FT = c("1A", "1A", 
"1A", "1A", "1A", "1B", "1B", "1B", "1B", "1B", "2A", "2A", "2A", 
"2A", "2A", "2B", "2B", "2B", "2B", "2B"), value = c(35.165917, 
36.214478, 19.097014, 35.869533, 30.048236, 15.02829, 19.156373, 
12.454054, 25.231304, 22.94187, 47.584233, 38.368717, 44.382409, 
31.247407, 29.81555, 2.221559, 6.260432, 24.066523, 7.651756, 
17.194344)), .Names = c("sed_depth", "FT", "value"), row.names = c(NA, 
-20L), class = "data.frame")

# matrix of values by y and area categories
m <- tapply(df$value, list(df$sed_depth, df$FT), mean)

# y-axis labels and midpoints
sed.depth.lab <- dimnames(m)[[1]]
ny <- length(sed.depth.lab)
sed.depth.mid <- -sapply(strsplit(sed.depth.lab, "-"), 
        function(x) mean(as.numeric(x)))

# cumulative values
cum.value <- cbind(rep(0, ny), t(apply(m, 1, cumsum)))

# area labels and midpoints
FT.lab <- dimnames(m)[[2]]
na <- length(FT.lab)
FT.mid <- (cum.value[1, 1:na] + cum.value[1, 1+(1:na)]) / 2

# stacked area plot
plot(0, 0, xlim=c(0, max(cum.value)), ylim=range(sed.depth.mid), 
        type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="Value", ylab="Sed Depth")
for(i in 1+(1:na)) {
        polygon(c(cum.value[, i-1], rev(cum.value[, i])), 
                c(sed.depth.mid, rev(sed.depth.mid)), 
                density=NA, col=gray(i/(na+2)))
axis(2, at=sed.depth.mid, labels=sed.depth.lab, las=1)
axis(3, at=FT.mid, labels=FT.lab)

By the way, it's useful to readers on the list if you share your data 
using readily submittable code, like the output from the function dput(), 
rather than as an attachment.


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