At 15:53 11/01/2012, Ricc wrote:

I once used the metawin software to perform a meta-analysis (see
metawinsoft, Rosenberg et al.) and produced normal qqplot to test for
a potential bias in the dataset.
I now want to re-use the same dataset with the package metafor by W.
Viechtbauer (great package btw).

I run the qqnorm.rma.uni function. I use standardized effect sizes as
in metawin.

I think it would help if you said which parameters you used to control the envelope. Did you smooth it? Did you use the Bonferroni correction?

QQplot generated with metafor differs from the plot obtained with
metawin: most of the datapoint fall outside the confidence envelope
(using the same confidence level). I don't understand very well how
the "pseudo confidence envelope" was created in metafor. Is it more
conservative than that from metawin or created using the package
envelope ? Unfortunately I do not have access to metawin's code so
that I cannot compare implementations but the manual let me think that
metawin print classical confidence interval...

Thanks for input !

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R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

Michael Dewey

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