I would be biased towards using a heuristic, for instance Threshold Accepting (TA), for solving such a problem. (TA is implemented in package NMOF. Disclosure: I am the author of that package.) But you will not find a ready-to-use solution there.

(1) you need an objective function, ie, a function that maps a given vector of holdings (and data like your scenario matrix) into a real number; the better the portfolio, the lower the number.

(2) For TA, you need a so-called neighbourhood function. That is a function that changes one portfolio vector into another, by changing some elements. Examples for simple neighbourhoods are in the package vignettes. Do you have a budget constraint? If yes, and you want to work with integers, I would suggest using a "cash" variable. (See, eg, Algorithm 3 in http://www.swissfinanceinstitute.ch/rp20.pdf )

(3) The constraints can, at least in a first round, be included through penalties.


PS. There is a mailing list dedicated to finance-with-R questions, and you may get better answers there.


Enrico Schumann
Lucerne, Switzerland

Am 13.01.2012 17:06, schrieb Sal Pellettieri:

I'm an R newbie and I've been struggling with a optimization problem for
the past couple of days now.

Here's the problem - I have a matrix of expected payouts from different
stock option strategies. Each column in my matrix represents a different
stock and each row represents the return to the strategy given a certain
market move. So the rows are not a time series of percentage returns but a
dollar payout in different expected scenarios, i.e.

Expected Return Matrix (ER) =                   stock1   stock2  .... stockn
                                                scenario1   $              $
                                                scenario2   $              $
                                                scenario3   $              $

I want to create an optimal portfolio of these strategies by applying a
vector of weights. The weights will be the number of contracts of each to
buy and won't be a percentage weighting. There are a few constraints I need
it comply with:

    - The weights have to be integers
    - The minimum portfolio return (ER* Weights) across the scenarios has to
    be greater than some negative number I specify
    - There has to be a certain minimum number of stocks in the portfolio so
    length(weights)>some number I specify.

Any help is GREATLY appreciated since I have tried so many different
functions and packages. Even if someone can just lead me to the correct
function to use that would be a great help as I've looked at optim,
solveLP, ROI package and many others.


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