I am running R 2.14.1 on a Windows XP (32 bit) system, and am trying to
install the package 'Rmpi' to allow me to parallel process on all cores of a
quad-core PC (and if that works well, I want to add extra slaves from a
dual-core laptop).  Rmpi appears to install OK (see below), but I am
encountering the following error when I try and load the package:


> utils:::menuInstallLocal()

package 'Rmpi' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked

> library(Rmpi)

Error in library(Rmpi) : 

  package 'Rmpi' does not have a NAMESPACE and should be re-installed


I have attempted to re-install Rmpi several times without success (both Rmpi
0.5-9 and 0.6-0 from local ZIP files).  As suggested on the developer
website for Rmpi (http://www.stats.uwo.ca/faculty/yu/Rmpi/) I am using
MPICH2 as my MPI implementation and I have followed the 'Rmpi for Windows'
installation instructions detailed there, and MPICH2 appears to be running


Does anyone have an insight into the nature/cause of the namespace issue and
how I can resolve it?  I will be most grateful!


Many thanks,



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