It's customary to keep the list cc'd.

I can't run your code without the data, but it does seem to me that
your problem is in the FUN argument, as you guess.

You have:

FUN=function(z) SDF(adezoo,method="lag window",

But this function doesn't actually act on it's argument: you tell it
to accept something called "z" but then it never gets told to do
anything to "z". Perhaps you meant

FUN=function(z) SDF(z,method="lag window",

I also worry about your use of "n.d"; are you sure you don't want to
use the length of the rolling window? Something more like:

   lz <- length(z)
   SDF(z,method="lag window",
window=taper(type="parzen",n.sample=lz,cutoff= 2*sqrt(lz)),

Does that fix it?


On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 1:06 PM, Jorge Molinos <> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> Sorry, I've been trying to use rollapply with my function but it seems I 
> can't get it to work properly. The function seems to be dividing the time 
> series accordingly (every 1) and using the correct length for the time window 
> (10 years) but when I look at the results all of them are the same for all 
> the subseries which doesn't make sense. The problem has to be within the FUN 
> argument though I cannot figure out what it is. Would you mind checking on 
> the code to see if you can spot where is the problem?
> adets<-ts(adeery$DA,c(adeery$Year[1],adeery$Day[1]),frequency=365)
> adezoo<-as.zoo(adets)
> n.d<-length(adets)
> especlist<-rollapply(adezoo, width=3650, FUN=function(z) 
> SDF(adezoo,method="lag window",
>    window=taper(type="parzen",n.sample=n.d,cutoff=(2*sqrt(n.d))),
>    npad=2*n.d), by = 365, align="left")
> And these are, for example, the SDF values at the last day for each 10-y 
> subseries (all the same though they should be different as I have it verify 
> by doing the SDF step by step using the same values for the arguments within 
> the function):
>         especlist1.7048
> 1978(20)    1.998068e-06
> 1979(20)    1.998068e-06
> 1980(20)    1.998068e-06
> 1981(20)    1.998068e-06
> 1982(20)    1.998068e-06
> 1983(20)    1.998068e-06
> 1984(20)    1.998068e-06
> 1985(20)    1.998068e-06
> 1986(20)    1.998068e-06
> 1987(20)    1.998068e-06
> Thanks a lot.
> Jorge
> ________________________________________
> From: R. Michael Weylandt []
> Sent: 26 January 2012 21:00
> To: Jorge Molinos
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [R] Calculate a function repeatedly over sections of a ts object
> I'm not sure if it's easily doable with a ts class, but the rollapply
> function in the zoo package will do this easily. (Also, I find zoo to
> be a much more natural time-series workflow than ts so it might make
> the rest of your life easier as well)
> Michael
> On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 2:24 PM, Jorge Molinos <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to apply a function (in my case SDF; package “sapa”) repeatedly over 
>> discrete sections of a daily time series object by sliding a time window of 
>> constant length (e.g. 10 consecutive years or 1825 days) over the entire ts 
>> at increments of 1 time unit (e.g. 1 year or 365 days). So for example, the 
>> first SDF would be calculated for the daily values of my variable recorded 
>> between years 1 to 5, SDF2 to those for years 2 to 6 and so on until the 
>> total length of the series is covered. How can I implement this into a R 
>> script? Any help is much appreciated.
>> Jorge
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