Hi everyone,
Im very new with R and I would like to change the size text (names) in the ylab 
in a dotplot. I have checked many webpages and R sites,  but I have not found 
any help.
This is the same structure of the plot in R graph Gallery: 

thanks in thanks is advance

Mi code is this:

### setup the key
k <- simpleKey( c( "Perdidas ",  "Contestadas" ) )
k$points$fill <- c("lightblue", "lightgreen")
k$points$pch <- 21
k$points$col <- "black"
k$points$cex <- 1

cliente100RD<- cliente100[order(cliente100$porc_perd),]

### create the plot
dotplot( rownames(cliente100RD) ~ perdida + contestada , data = cliente100RD, 
horiz = T,
 main="Llamadas Enero 2012: RM",sub="Clientes ROI",
    par.settings = list( 
        superpose.symbol = list( 
            pch = 21, 
            fill = c( "lightblue", "lightgreen"), 
            cex = 2, 
            col = "black"  
     ) , xlab = "n° de llamadas", key = k, 
     panel = function(x, y, ...){
       panel.dotplot( x, y, ... )
               unit( x, "native") , unit( y, "native") , 
            label = x, gp = gpar( cex = .5 ) )
     } ) 

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